?Looking to flaunt a sexy, sculpted bikini bottom this summer? All it takes is a few moves to lift and tone your rear.
tPhoto credit: imagewers/Getty Images
tSince the weather is beautiful it’s much easier and more fun to perform your workouts outdoors. This workout can be done anywhere and does not require any weights.
t How it works: Do 20 reps of each exercise. Perform each set 3 times.
t Equipment required: A mat or towel.
Single leg bridge
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- Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Bring right knee into your chest. Lift hips off the ground pressing them straight toward the sky. Engage glutes the entire time.
- Lower back down still keeping knee in toward chest. Perform 10 reps on each side.
Plank with leg lift
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- Come into a forearm plank with shoulders drawn together, legs engaged and stomach tight. Engage glutes and lift right leg up to hip height.
- Bring foot back down and switch sides. Continue alternating, lifting one leg and then the other. Perform 10 reps each side.
Leg raises
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- Come onto hands and knees with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Lift right leg up to hip-height. Bend knee and flex your foot. Lift bent knee up toward the sky then drop it down to the floor.
- Maintain a straight spine and still torso. Repeat movement for 10 reps on each side.
Squat jumps
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- Stand with feet hip-width apart. Bend knees, shift hips back and swing arms by your sides. Jump off the ground as high as possible.
- Land softly with chest lifted. Immediately jump off the ground again, keeping feet and knees pointed straight ahead. Perform 20 reps.
Two leg bridges
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- Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Press hands into the floor and lift hips toward the sky. Keep glutes and core stomach engaged the entire time.
- Lower hips back down to the ground and repeat the movement. Perform 20 reps.
Downward dog leg raises
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- Come into a straight arm plank with wrists under shoulders and legs extended. Shift hips up and back into a downward dog. Relax head, press palms into the floor and press your chest toward your thighs.
- Lift right leg up to hip height then draw knee toward chest. Lift leg back up to hip height and repeat the movement. Perform 10 reps each side.
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