We’ve heard our fair share of crazy online dating stories — the clingers, the creepers, the guys who look nothing like their profile pic — but not many of these “you’ll laugh about it eventually” tales get the attention of Hollywood producers.
Then again, most online first dates don’t involve a three-week trip around the world. Oddly enough, Clara Bensen’s did, and her story is now being turned into a rom-com titled No Baggage, according to Variety.
'Craziest OkCupid date ever' is about to become a movie http://t.co/pZhTSf0hMepic.twitter.com/rWRSb1DSRb
— CNET (@CNET) September 24, 2014
New Line will be adapting Clara’s Salon essay”The Craziest OkCupid Date Ever,” which follows her three-week-long date with a guy she met on the dating site, into a movie. One month and two weeks after meeting Jeff online, Clara accepted his invitation to travel the world luggage free, and the essay follows their many adventures. Jeff and Clara traveled to eight countries in 21 days without ever changing clothes — eww! — and learned a lot about themselves (and each other) along the way.
When I first heard this story, I was a little bit horrified. Three weeks traveling with an almost stranger? And no luggage? Not exactly the ideal way to put your best foot forward in a new relationship. But then it got me thinking, and the times I’ve really gotten to know someone in a meaningful, deep way, it’s been while traveling with them. You really get to know what a person’s made of when you’re faced with stressful and amazing situations all at once, and travel presents you with plenty of those scenarios.
And like Clara explains in her essay when quoting Mark Twain: “There ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.”
The story itself also seems like it’d make for a great movie. Most rom-coms are totally far-fetched anyway, so if their box office success is any indication, I’m sure this one will be a money maker.
So yes, I am intrigued to see how this crazy three-week-long date went for these two crazy kids. Would I ever do it myself? No thanks.
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