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Paula Abdul really wants you to touch your boobs (VIDEO)

Paula Abdul is a new global ambassador for Avon’s Breast Cancer Crusade and the result of the partnership can be seen in a music video that will make you want to get up and shimmy. It’s one small, but very important, part of the global #CheckYourself movement they announced today to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
I’ve never had to get a mammogram and I dread the day I have to, so I can appreciate a little song and dance to encourage the doctor visit. October can easily turn into a month of heartbreaking stories about daughters losing mothers, sisters losing sisters and friends losing friends, all of which are important to share in an effort to fight breast cancer, but I’ll admit it’s nice to see some upbeat girl power awareness initiatives, too.

I especially appreciate the part where Paula fondles the girls, because why do we all have to take ourselves so seriously? The video is a nice reminder that if we can check emails and text messages, Instagram and Facebook accounts all day, then we can take five minutes to check ourselves for cancerous lumps.

Abdul’s sister is a breast cancer survivor and her inspiration to partner with Avon on the movement. She sheds her wig and shows off a big smile for the video. The message is simple but powerful: Know your risks, know your body, talk to your doctor.

Now watch the video, share the video, love the video and all its pink glory. It’s less about heavy statistics and more about celebrating the fact that we can take our health into our own hands.

If you want to do more, you can donate to the Avon Foundation for Women or find other ways to participate in the fight against breast cancer here. Got questions about self-exams, risk factors or post-diagnosis options? It’s there too.

The worst that could happen is you inspire loved ones to check themselves who wouldn’t otherwise.

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