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Lea Michele asks you to spend five minutes on one crucial thing

Lea Michele has partnered with evian spring water, a long-standing supporter of the fight against breast cancer, and The National Breast Cancer Foundation to promote breast self-exams as a simple way to save lives.

As a 28-year-old woman myself, I sometimes imagine that I’m too young for breast cancer. I tend to think of self-exams as important for an older version of myself, but not worth five minutes of today. The Glee star’s answer? Breast exams are faster than you think, and she wants the public to perform self-exams and participate in the conversation on social media with the hashtag #FasterThan.

A breast self-exam is #FasterThan you think

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “most women who get breast cancer have no known risk factors and no history of the disease in their families.” Moreover, the disease takes the lives of 40,000 American women each year, many of who are under the age of 45. Early detection, which often occurs when women pay attention to changes in their breast tissue through self-exams, is key to stopping the spread of cancerous cells and preventing deaths.

No matter our age, we’re not immune to the disease and early detection is worth our attention. As Michele mentions in the video, when breast cancer is found and remedied before spreading to other tissue, the five-year survival rate jumps up to 98 percent.

That sounds like it’s worth five minutes of my time. After all, a five-minute breast exam is #FasterThan starting a load of laundry.

More about breast cancer

12 Things to never say to someone with breast cancer
Paula Abdul really wants you to touch your boobs (VIDEO)
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