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Weird — and gross — ways couples say ‘I love you’ (VIDEO)

So, it appears when you really love someone, there are a lot of bathroom-related things you do that show just how much you really care.


Is it weird that we’re going to measure all possible future relationships against this video now? This video took our ideal man, who previously came in the form of a suave gentleman with a sizable bank account (and who was nice and kind, etc., etc.) and turned him into a man who sends us heinously unflattering photos of himself on the sly at work. None of this “the person I’m in a relationship with is really busy at work” stuff, we want someone who is clearly not busy at work (but still works — a job is always a positive).

Where do we sign up for this? Someone who will pretend to be dead when we pretend to kill him? It’s the dream! (OK, so this one is a little out there, but we don’t care what society says — this pretend death caper is a real heartwarmer.) And we want someone who is going to have pretend duels with us, because we have a fake ninja quota and we have to reach it somehow.

But, if we’re being honest, we’ll forgive a whole bunch of flaws just to be with someone who unloads the dishwasher, because that job is boring and we’d rather be watching TV.

More on love

The L word: How to say it, mean it and embrace it
Say ‘I love you’ in 10 different languages
Things that are oddly healthy for your relationship

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