Overall happiness
Women who are overall happier have better sex. If you are feeling down or have the blues, try hitting the gym or try to smile more often — little things like that can trick your mind into feeling better. For some, ridding your life of unnecessary negativity is the key — like avoiding your friend who only complains, or only reading humourous books — finding joy in the simple things will bring you one step closer to feeling better…And boost your libido!
Diet and exercise
The healthier you are the better you feel and this usually will be reflected in your libido. This is because most people who are eating healthy aren’t feeling sluggish and women who workout tend to have a better body image, which reflects in the bedroom.
Alcohol and drug use
Over-indulging in alcohol or drugs can cause a low libido. One or two drinks once in a while may boost your desire, but going overboard and excessively drinking or using drugs will numb your sex drive. So drink responsibly.
Low self-esteem or poor body image
Women who are constantly judging and finding flaws in their weight and appearance have a difficult time enjoying sex and intimacy. They need to remember that their partner is with them because they love them. Ask your partner to tell you what they like most about you. You might discover a whole new side of you never knew existed.
Lack of intimacy
Sometimes the lack of desire stems from the lack of intimacy. For women intimacy is crucial, sex is not enough without intimacy — it is less enjoyable and difficult to achieve orgasm. If your relationship is losing heat, think back to what made sex passionate and hot when you guys first started dating!
If you are experiencing a sudden lack of sexual desire try swichting up your routine, try role playing, put on soft music, take a hot bath to relax beforehand and get in the mood for sex!
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