Colour therapy, also known as chromotherapy, can be traced back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, China and India, and is used to balance our seven chakras.
Each colour of the spectrum — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (ROY-G-BIV) — has a unique wavelength and energy. Colour therapy matches this energy with the energy of the seven main chakras (energy centres) of the body to ensure good health and well-being.
The Colour-Chakra Connection
Recall the colours of the rainbow: ROY-G-BIV. The energies of each of these colours impacts a different part of the body.
- Red (longest wavelength): base chakra — kidneys, spine and sense of smell
- Orange: sacral chakra — lower abdomen, genitals, reproduction, urinary tract and circulation
- Yellow: solar plexus chakra — solar plexus, stomach, liver, gall bladder and pancreas
- Green: heart chakra — heart, lungs and thymus
- Blue: throat chakra — throat, ears, mouth and hands
- Indigo: brow (third eye) chakra — center of brow, middle of forehead, eye and pineal glands
- Violet (shortest wavelength): crown chakra — crown of head, pituitary gland, central nervous system and cerebral cortex
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How our body uses colour
Every cell in the body needs light energy, so colour energy has widespread effects on the entire body. The body absorbs colour energy through the eyes, skin and skull, and uses this energy physically, spiritually and emotionally.
The holistic — or whole-body — approach to well-being has become more acceptable among traditional caregivers. Even the most orthodox practitioners recognize the importance of treating body, mind and spirit. Colour therapy addresses all of these levels of our being.
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Our personal colour experience
Throughout life, we encounter colours and attach memories and feelings to them. Unknowingly, we build up biases to colours which have positive (happy) or negative (sad or frightening) implications for us. Some research indicates that our negative experiences can, over time, affect our physical well-being and manifest themselves as disease.
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How colour therapy works
Colour therapists believe that strong colour preferences aid in detecting health problems. Working with the appropriate colours can restore balance to the body emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Colour therapy is non-invasive and administered in a variety of ways, such as solarized water, light boxes with colour filters, colour silks and hands-on healing.
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Each of us should aim to make colour part of our everyday life. A professional colour therapist can help us recognize the value and power of colour, but it’s up to us to heighten our awareness of the energy of colour that surrounds us. Colour can transform our lives and give us power and control over our own well-being.
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