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How to not overheat during outdoor summer workouts

The sun is shining, and the temperatures are off the charts. Make sure you take precautions to stay cool during your summer workouts.

A lot of people pick up outdoor sports in the spring when the temperatures are mild and it’s pleasant to be outdoors again. But before you know it, summer’s here, and it can be incredibly humid, with temperatures soaring above 30 degrees C. So finding ways to stay cool during your workouts is crucial.

Drink plenty of water

Make it a priority to stay well hydrated throughout the day on a regular basis so you don’t run the risk of becoming dehydrated during your exercise regimen. Always bring water with you to your workouts, and make sure to sip some before you feel thirsty (by the time you feel thirst, you’re already dehydrated). Another way to stay hydrated is to snack on foods that are hydrating, such as orange or watermelon slices. If you exercise vigorously for more than an hour, make sure you also replenish lost electrolytes with a sports drink or some other type of energy replacement.

Check the forecast

Avoid exercising outdoors during the sun’s peak hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. so you avoid the sun beaming down at you at its strongest. Also plan to exercise outdoors in areas where you know you’ll have some shade. If you can manage it, rearrange your schedule so you can exercise at dawn or after the sun has set. In fact, check the week’s forecast, and if you can, slot in your outdoor workouts on days that have more forgiving temperatures and humidity levels.

Wear a hat

Wearing a thin hat made of sweat-wicking material will help keep you cooler. Plus, the brim shielding your eyes from the sun will make it easier for you to see. And while we’re on the topic of protecting your eyes from the sun, wearing sunglasses is a good idea as well, as your retinas can be damaged by UV light.

Dress in fitness gear made of technical fabrics

Cotton clothing will make you feel hotter. Wear summer exercise gear made of perspiration-wicking fabrics to help you stay cool and comfortable.

Don’t fret if you have to skip a workout

If you hear warnings about heat exhaustion due to extreme temperatures, cut yourself some slack, and either skip your scheduled workout for that day or work out in an air-conditioned gym rather than suffer through a potentially harmful workout outdoors.

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