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Be a good friend on Facebook

There’s a certain finesse when it comes to being good on Facebook. You want to be engaged and engaging, but within reason. These tips will have you seen favourably on Facebook.

Certain elements and characteristics make one a good friend to have on Facebook. Since many of your Facebook friends may not be people you know that well or see all that often, you want to interact in an appealing way, or you may quickly find yourself un-friended. Here are some dos and don’ts when it comes to this social medium.

Do update your status

It’s boring when someone doesn’t ever add anything to their profile. And while you don’t need to post your every movement every day, updating your status a few times a week is a good idea so people know what you’re up to.

Do be funny, witty, clever

Many of us use Facebook as a distraction, and it’s nice to enjoy a little chuckle in the middle of the day from someone’s Facebook status. Every update need not be an award-winning quip (don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself!), but make your statuses interesting. Think of what you enjoy finding out from other people’s profiles.

Don’t only complain, vent or brag

We’ve all had bad customer service or something enrage us and taken to Facebook to share our anger. Once in a blue moon, this is fine (hey, we all need to blow off steam sometimes), but if the only thing you post on Facebook is anger and negativity, it will become tiresome, and people will start removing you from their feed. Same goes for being a show-off. It’s one thing to be proud of your accomplishments and share your joy, but it’s another to constantly toot your own horn.

Do add pictures

Your Facebook friends want to know what you’re up to and what you look like lately, so don’t keep them in the dark. Change your profile picture every so often, and add those vacation photos.

Do “like” and comment on your friends’ profiles

It feels nice to be recognized, so when a friend posts something you enjoyed, click that “like” button, or even better, add a comment. Let your friends know you’re paying attention, and they’ll be more likely to do the same for you. You’ll find it rewarding to see your updates and photos aren’t being ignored!

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