Let’s face it: No one is a fan of leftovers. They’re boring, usually don’t taste as good as they did on the first day, and no one really likes eating the same thing twice in a row. But leftovers don’t have to be boring if you get creative with your meals.
Preparing an exciting and nutritious meal can be a tough job, but what’s even tougher is figuring out what to do with the leftovers the next day. Next time you’re dreading to reheat last night’s dinner, think of adding some Canadian cheese to the dish, and see where your imagination takes you. We’re sure that with the tasty recommendations below, you’ll never hear anyone in your house complain about leftovers again.
Sauce it up
Leftover pasta is a common find in any household fridge. So why not spruce up those noodles with some cheese sauce? Not only is cheese sauce easy to prepare, but it can be used on anything from vegetables to meats or even rice. Simply melt some butter, add some flour and seasonings, toss in some Canadian cheese, and stir until melted and creamy.
Cheese-and-vegetable frittata
Who says you can’t have a frittata for dinner? This omelette-like dish will turn your leftovers into a whole new meal. Grab some eggs, whatever vegetables and meats you have left over from the night before and some Canadian cheese, and mix them all together. Throw it in the oven, and watch as you transform your leftovers into a nutritious new meal.
Toss it in a salad
Are you wondering what to do with leftover grilled chicken breast? Toss it into a salad along with some Canadian blue cheese. Though it’s not everyone’s favourite cheese, give it a try by sprinkling some Canadian blue cheese crumbs into your greens. If you’re really stubborn, though, try experimenting with different varieties of Canadian cheeses; we’re sure leftover salad will become your new favourite dish.
Spaghetti and cheese
Though you probably sprinkled some shredded cheese onto your spaghetti the day before, why not try cooking it into your pasta today? To spice up leftover spaghetti, grab your favourite Canadian cheese, toss in some new vegetables (mushrooms, black olives, hot peppers), and heat it until the veggies are tender and the cheese is melted. Your dish will taste different than it did yesterday, and everyone’s stomach will be happy.
Cheese fondue
Not only is fondue fun for children and adults alike, but what better way is there to get rid of leftover meats, breads and vegetables than dipping them into a pot of cheese? Your kids won’t even realize they’re dipping last night’s ham leftovers, because they’ll be too mesmerized by the oozing, cheesy goodness in front of them.
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