Being sweet
Taking out your frustrations on the one you love is so easy, and married life can be so stressful. “To keep things in balance, we need to put a bit of energy into increasing the sweetness between us,” says Tessina. Thoughtfulness and gestures of politeness and affection keep things running smoothly. You’ll be amazed by how good you feel and how much more responsive your partner is.
Taking time
No matter how crazed you are with work, kids and bills, putting aside regular time each week for your marriage is essential. Have a date night or take a pleasant walk or drive — just the two of you. Keeping connected helps you remember how good you are together. Don’t forget to celebrate and appreciate each other, and you’ll both be more motivated to make your marriage the best it can be.
Keeping love alive and flowing in your relationship is essential to being happy with each other, says psychotherapist and author Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D. Telling your man that you love him is important, but sometimes, words alone are not enough. She says couples often need to teach each other how to love in the way each wants to be loved. Try these 10 simple, creative ways to show just how deep your love is.
Maintaining partnership
Before you’re a mom, sister, daughter or friend, you’re first and foremost a partner. You and your mate are in this life together, and partnership is what it’s all about. So check frequently to make sure you’re acting like partners and not as competitors or avoiders.
“Remember when…” is a great beginning to a loving conversation. Remembering how you were when you were dating, when you got married, when you first bought your house, when you had your first child, when you got that promotion feels so good. Reminding yourselves of your solid history together is a way to increase your bond.
Of course, you tell your hubby you love him, but have you told everyone else? Take every opportunity to brag about your mate (when he’s around) to friends and family. He’ll remember it for a long time.
More ways to get romantic
5 Simple ways to talk about sex with your partner
5 Date-night ideas so you’re not doing the same old thing
Changing up your sex life without the stress
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