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How to keep colds at bay this winter

When you’re already slightly bummed out by the chilly weather, coming down with a cold certainly doesn’t help the situation. Keep the sneezing and sniffles at bay this winter with the help of these tips.

It’s important to remember that because the common cold is a virus, there is no cure. Therefore the only way to ensure you don’t spend weeks of your life coughing and sneezing is to prevent the virus from worming its way into your system in the first place.

Boost your immune system

Although there are plenty of medications out there to treat a cold once you’ve contracted the virus, there aren’t a lot of preventative options. However, Medical News Today revealed that a major scientific review performed in the U.S. shows the product COLD-FX to have impressive results in terms of cold prevention. It’s a natural, herb-based product that boosts the human immune system and helps the body fight off such viruses as the common cold and flu. You can take the regular COLD-FX daily during the winter months for ongoing protection, or take COLD-FX Extra at the first sign of a cold or to chase away any impending illness when you’re feeling run down.

Take care of yourself

For many people, the short, dark days of the Canadian winter can seem tougher than our bright, summer ones. And that can cause many people to give up on their usual exercise routines and healthy eating habits. But when you do that, your body doesn’t have the nutrients and energy it needs to fight off viruses. So make sure you continue to eat fruits and vegetables throughout the colder months and to exercise regularly.

Get quality shut-eye

A study presented by the Archives of Internal Medicine indicates there is a direct correlation between duration and efficiency of sleep and a person’s resistance to illness. They found that those who got less than seven hours of sleep were 2.94 times more likely to develop a cold than those who got eight or more hours. The study also indicated that those who didn’t sleep well, regardless of the number of hours, were more likely to fall ill. So in the winter months, when many people around you are coming down with colds, it’s crucial that you give your body the rest it needs. That means turning off all the lights and refraining from doing anything too stimulating, such as watching TV or exercising, right before bed. It also means committing to heading to bed early enough to get the amount of rest you need before your alarm goes off the next morning.

Stay clean

As with many other health concerns, Health Canada recommends regular handwashing as a means of prevention. So wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water regularly throughout the day. It’s also wise to refrain from sharing anything that could easily pass germs, such as foods and beverages. Keep in mind that cold symptoms may not present themselves until one to three days after a person has been infected, so just because a person doesn’t seem sick doesn’t mean they aren’t carrying a virus that may work its way into your system. Be extra cautious!

More on illness prevention

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5 Ways to prevent the seasonal flu
How to avoid foodborne illnesses

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