Who knew? Check out these interesting and fun facts about sex. Some of them just might surprise you!
Put the ruler away
Do you wonder how your partner’s penis measures up? An average fully erect male organ is about 5–6 inches long, and it seems the phrase “a grower, not a shower” has some validity. Netdoctor.co.uk tells us that almost all penises will grow to about the same size when erect, regardless of their starting-out points.
Speaking of thinking
Have you got sex on the brain? Well, you’re not alone, as the Kinsey Institute reports that 19 per cent of women think about sex once or more daily. Men come out ahead on this one, though, with 54 per cent thinking of sex every day. The question is, does that surprise you?
Kiss and tell
Per Information Facts.com, the average person spends 20,160 minutes (two weeks) of their life kissing. Better stock up on the lip balm!
Like a fine wine…
The big “O” gets better with age. Woman’s Day tells us that the quality and frequency of orgasms may improve as you get older. Now that’s something to look forward to.
A helping hand
The vibrator was invented in the late 19th century as medical instrument used by physicians to treat women suffering from female “hysteria.” To eliminate the symptoms brought on by this common affliction — which was nothing more than sexual frustration — doctors would routinely massage a woman to orgasm, and the vibrator was created to give them a helping hand. For obvious reasons it took off from there, as a current study reports that over 50 per cent of Canadian women have used a helping hand themselves.
A slap on the hand
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg of Kellogg’s cereal fame was a staunch advocate of sexual abstinence and an anti-masturbation campaigner who believed eating a plain but healthy diet would suppress sexual urges. Just a little something to think about while enjoying one of his best-loved food inventions, plain but healthy Kellogg’s Corn Flakes!
Indulge in the cheesecake after all
Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the gym. On average, sex burns about 200 calories a session, so you can work off the extra calories with a bedroom romp instead! Click here for more interesting health benefits of a little one-on-one time between the sheets.
Wait… Make it chocolate cheesecake!
We all know chocolate is an orgasmic treat for the taste buds, but did you know it can be one in the boudoir as well? Yes — Chocolate.org reports that women who savour chocolate daily have an increased libido and a better sex life than those who don’t. Pass the bonbons, please.
A big turn-on
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Per the Digital Journal, findings of an internet study suggest that feet and shoes are the most common sexual fetishes.
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