‘Tis the season to indulge! With work parties, family soirees and intimate get-togethers with friends, there will be no shortage of dishes, drinks and desserts to try this holiday season. But if you’re not careful about what you put into your mouth, your waistline might expand more than you want it to. Don’t deprive yourself of all the delicious foods; just learn how to eat smarter, and enjoy the foods you love — without the guilt.
Be picky
Ever heard of the saying “don’t eat with your eyes”? This is especially true during the holidays. With so many choices available to you, chances are you’ll end up putting more on your plate than you want to just for the mere fact that it’s in your peripheral vision. Combat this urge to overeat by being extremely choosy about what you indulge in. If you really want to try those holiday shortbread cookies, then skip the decadent cheesecake. Want an extra serving of stuffing? Then don’t fill up on the croissants. Remember, being picky isn’t about missing out on the good stuff; it’s about choosing the stuff you really want to eat and avoiding extra and unnecessary calories and fat.
Plan your meals
A good way to indulge in all the goodies you want at your next event is to plan the rest of the day’s meals around the party. Planning meals before and after the event helps you stay on track with your healthy-eating lifestyle, and it ensures that when you do indulge at the event, you won’t have to worry about feeling guilty for the other meals you eat throughout the day. If you’re attending a holiday lunch party, for example, consider starting the day with a fruit or vegetable smoothie, and if the big event isn’t until the evening, keep lunch simple with a salad and almonds or an apple for a snack.
Don’t sweat the small stuff, literally
This tip goes back to being picky and is all about not filling up on the small stuff. Your number one enemy when it comes to holiday parties is appetizers. Sure, they look, well, appetizing, but they can be fatal to your eating regime during this joyous time. A good rule of thumb to help you not go overboard is to choose two or three appetizers out of the many offered to you, and save room for the main meal. However, if you’re attending a party where various specialty appetizers will be served, try a bit of each item, but focus on the main meal to delight your palate.
Portion, enjoy and savour!
The holiday season is all about enjoying yourself, so why take that away? The best way to control food portions is to not focus on the food itself but on the company around you, such as your friends, family and acquaintances. Stop worrying about how you’re going to control your eating, and just focus on the fun you’ll have with your loved ones. Once your focus shifts away from food, you’ll be surprised how controlling your intake becomes the last thing on your mind. So stop fretting, and start enjoying!
More on healthy eating
Eating healthy at the office
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Creative ways to add veggies to your diet
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