While many of us strive to lose weight for health and confidence reasons, it’s sometimes challenging to keep a “sexy” vibe during your weight loss. If you’re still losing weight or the weight is inching off slowly, your confidence might also be improving slowly — or not. Below are instant ways to feel sexier even in the in-between stage of weight loss.
bring sexy back during the in-between stages
Why are we striving to lose weight, and is our self-confidence still lacking even though we’re improving our health? I find that even with physical transformations, some of us might need some mental transformations when it comes to self-image.
No self-deprecation
And I mean none, not even as jokes. Don’t even dare to call yourself a “pig” or any other names when you indulge in food. Don’t ask people if you look like a whale in your outfit, and don’t joke around about your body image. There’s always some truth behind humour — especially self-deprecation. Cut out all the negativity immediately. Not only will this help you get into the habit of not making such comments, but it will eventually become second nature to not be negative about yourself. This second nature means more confidence, since you’re not actually fishing for compliments or reassurance from others (something that’s also quite unattractive). Rather, others will notice your confidence, even if it takes a bit of pretending and conscious effort on your part at first.
Haven’t started yet? Try these easy ways to kick-start your weight loss efforts >>
Stand up straight
Not only is slouching horrible for your posture and back, but it’s unflattering. Walking or standing with your head held up high gives your assets more emphasis, fixes your posture and gives an instant “look at me, I’m amazing” feeling. You might feel a bit funny standing up straight at first, but the more you make a conscious effort to do so, the better you’ll feel about it. Your back will thank you too.
Put some heels on
They don’t have to be 3- or 4-inch heels, but get your favourite pair of shoes out more often, and walk around in them. While heels provide an instant butt lift and elongate your legs, hearing the click as you walk puts a bit more stride in your step. It might sound like a crazy trick, but put on some heels, and tell me you don’t instantly feel sexier.
Wear an off-the-shoulder top
You don’t have to show that much skin, but wearing something off the shoulder or a top that hangs off your shoulders has a very sexy, feminine quality to it. Not only does it show off your gorgeous shoulders, but it gives your outfit a delicate and sexy vibe.
Get some sexy undies on
Ditch the cotton panties, and go for something racy and lacy. It doesn’t have to be extreme or over the top; just go out and buy something comfortable and sexy. Something that you’ll wear for yourself and something no one else can see. Feeling the delicate silk and lace fabric against your skin and knowing what you’re wearing under your clothes put a little more “oomph” in your step.
Need more motivation? Consider taking pictures before, during and after your weight loss >>
Emphasize the positives
Pick one physical aspect of yourself that you find most attractive, and emphasize it. Have pouty lips? Buy a new lipstick, and try it out. You love your eyes the most? Experiment with eyeshadows and eye makeup that play them up. Have amazing legs? Wear flirtier skirts. Doing these things will help you find positive attributes about yourself and help you focus on the positives.
Ultimately, just remember why you’re on a path to losing weight, and don’t give up on what you set out to do. If you want to lose weight for health and confidence issues, then you have to remember to celebrate your accomplishments and not be hard on yourself if you slip up. Finally, don’t be afraid or shy to accept compliments, and more important, don’t rely on others’ compliments to feel good about yourself. If you don’t believe you’re sexy, beautiful and capable of becoming a healthier person, why should anyone else? Look within yourself — you have nothing to lose and so much to gain!
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