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‘Fat girl’ apps teach girls to hate their bodies

All young girls dream of being called “fat girls.” So assumes the male creator of Fat Girl Dress Up — Virtual Makeover and Beauty Salon Game, which is one of two offensive Fat Girl apps offered on the iPhone and iPad.

Fat girl — Dressup game is described as a “princess salon and fashion makeover game for all the girls and kids.” But the app’s creator didn’t exactly craft a clear marketing message. At first, he promises the game will let girls “dress up like princesses” so that they don’t feel fat anymore.

OK. We can (maybe) forgive the insensitive, jackass app title if the intention behind it is a positive one meant to boost girls’ self-image.

But not so fast. Some pretty confusing copy headed your way:

“Make the fat girl look young and beautiful with the help of this fat girl dressup and makeover game … Fitness is not the only thing required for fat girls nowadays but fashion dress up is also a very important part of today’s life. So all the fat girls, keep yourself updated with the modern and latest fashions of the society and don’t be afraid of your weaknesses but rather dress up in a decent and beautiful manner so as to not look fat.”

Holy sweet Jesus, did we all just read that?

Judging by some of the screenshots, the young user really does little more than apply cosmetics to an overweight virtual woman’s face (to make her look “younger,” because a 12-year-old these days should aim to look at least 8), and style her in various outfits and accessories. But if anyone can explain this screenshot of an obese woman sitting on a couch that she has obviously broken because of her weight, with the words “Just 2 Burgers A Day” floating above her head, I’m all ears:

Is that just part of giving a little girl the princess experience?

If you’re the type who sees something wrong with glorifying obesity — um, assuming that’s what this app does when most of us know it’s actually mocking obesity — never fear. There’s another app out there called Don’t Be a Fat Girl that will do more to promote anorexia than all of the internet’s pro-ana thinspiration photos combined.

Funnily enough, the app’s description invites us to meet “Anna,” a “gorgeous” woman who suffers from “a lot of cellulite.” Here is your challenge if you wish to accept it: 

“Firstly you have to weigh Anna, then measure her body sizes: bust, waist and hips. After that you need to apply all anti-cellulite creams, then massage her, then wrap her a few minutes in foil. Also she needs a good diet and a sports program to maintain her weight. Finally Anna will be perfect and thin and happy again. Have fun!”

Sounds like a hootin’, howlin’ good time!

More on teens and body image

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