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Kinkiest city revealed, and it’s not Vegas

Quick: Which city do you think is the kinkiest? Sin City, of course… after all, it’s where people go to indulge in all of the finest things in life. But while yes, Las Vegas is kinky, it’s far from the kinkiest city in the United States.

At least that’s the findings of the 2015 Kink State of the Union Report compiled by the newly-launched Kink University, a website dedicated to teaching the uninitiated all of the best BDSM tricks.

The scholars over at Kink University looked at 50 major U.S. cities with populations over 500,000 and ranked them according to several measures of kink, including how many residents identify as kinky and are active on the kinky social network Fetlife. They also took into account the number of “kink-aware” professionals like doctors and lawyers, along with the city’s porn purchasing habits.

Many cities on the list are ones you’d expect — Vegas comes in at number 10, Los Angeles at six, Chicago at four and NYC at number three. However, a couple we really didn’t expect to make the cut: Philadelphia clocked in a number nine, thanks to such kinky antics as throwing a BDSM party in an abandoned church.

As for number one? That big distinction goes to Portland. Nearly four percent of the population has logged in to Fetlife and, according to a recent survey, nearly 42 percent of Portlandia residents identify as non-monogamous and 33 percent claim sexual orientations as “something other than heterosexual.” The city also boasts an influential BDSM blog, Leatherati.

So, if your desire to explore an alternative lifestyle isn’t so welcome in your hometown, consider booking a trip to Portland. They’ll be waiting with plenty of whips and chains, but unfortunately Christian Grey won’t be there.

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