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Halle Berry reveals why women wear lingerie and nails it

So often you hear someone ask, “What’s the point of spending so much on lingerie when guys just take it off in two seconds?”

It’s usually that or “Do guys even think lingerie is sexy?” These are valid questions and all, but what if we’re asking the wrong question. What if instead you asked yourself, “Does it make me feel sexy?”

Halle Berry recently launched lingerie line Scandale Paris and took on this topic while doing some press. The big secret? “Women don’t wear lingerie for men. We wear it for ourselves,” Berry told Good Morning America.

Sure, part of sex appeal is your partner being attracted to you. Their opinion matters. But, another huge part of this is you being attracted to you. You can’t truly look sexy if you don’t truly feel sexy.

“Every woman cares about feeling good from the inside out. We care about what we wear under our clothes and we care about what we look like when we take our clothes off,” Berry says, describing the ideal Scandale woman.

The key word there is “we,” as in the women wearing lingerie, not the men looking at it. It starts with your desire to love the way you look and if that means sexy lingerie, great. If that means a T-shirt and pajama shorts, wonderful. Whatever makes you feel sexy will make you look sexy, and just like body shapes and beauty standards, there isn’t just one type of sexy.

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