Try to eat dinner at a regularly scheduled time, preferably early in the evening, as opposed to late at night. Most dinner time meals are more relaxed than other meals throughout the day, and you often have more time to spend eating or preparing dinner than other meals.
Take the time to include foods from the food groups that you may have missed in earlier meals, but be sure to watch your portion and serving sizes so that you don’t over-eat.
Sales Associate Marshella Dickey admits that she doesn’t always have time to eat healthy dinners, but she makes the most of the foods available to her and knows how to avoid the unhealthy food traps of the shopping centre food-court while she is at work.
“I try to eat lots of fruits and salads with spinach leaves,” Dickey says. “If I must eat on the go, I try to find wraps with vegetables and chicken. I also aim to have wheat bread and pasta when I can.”
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