The alternative medicine practice of urine therapy is said to date back more than 5,000 years and can not only boost your everyday health, but also ease many ailments, from diabetes to cancer.
First of all, congratulations for continuing to read this article beyond the intro! Many would have been simply turned off by the word “urine,” which is a battle urotherapy practitioners have on a daily basis and is a key factor in why so few people know about the therapy.
What is urotherapy?
Urotherapy, also known as uropathy and urine therapy, essentially involves using one’s own urine to aid your health. You can drink it, apply it to your skin, wash your hair with it, cleanse your eyes with it, pour drops into your ears and gargle with it. Some people even clean their floors and spray their home-grown fruit and veggies with it.
We know what you’re thinking. Pee is dirty, right?
Wrong. In fact, the urine of a healthy person is said to be totally sterile when it leaves the body and contain no bacteria. It’s made up of 95 per cent water, 2.5 per cent urea and 2.5 per cent a combination of bodily chemicals like vitamins, minerals, proteins and hormones.
So for urotherapy practitioners, recycling their urine and putting these excess nutrients to good use is a no-brainer. And the success stories are encouraging. It’s been said to cleanse and heal wounds and rashes, calm acne, ease allergies, correct hormone imbalances, aid stroke victims, induce sleep, stimulate sexuality, increase fertility, break down blood clots, fight diabetes, ease eczema, moisturise the skin and even help fight cancer. Remember the old wives’ tale of peeing on your legs to ease the sting of a jellyfish? Turns out, it was true.
But urine therapy isn’t only for the sick. Therapists recommend incorporating the practice into your daily life to achieve optimal health. Indeed, research has shown that it has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and antibiotic properties.
With so many positive stories, it’s a wonder urotherapy hasn’t gained more attention. But like many alternative medicine practices, the therapy isn’t discussed in mainstream circles and is yet to achieve widespread acceptance in western culture.
It’s not a new practice, either. Therapists suggest the urotherapy was a part of daily life even back in the times of the Aztecs, Ancient Romans, Greeks, Chinese, French, Eskimos, Indigenous Americans, African-Americans and the Saharan Bedouins, just to name a few.
Of course, urine therapy does come with many disclaimers and should only be practised under the guidance of an experienced urotherapist. Those who have UTIs, are heavy smokers or have other medical conditions for example, are not encouraged to practise urine therapy.
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