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Do you need a summer cleanse?

We might just be going into spring, but before we know it summer will be upon us. The cotton dresses, frilly bikinis, wide-brimmed hats and open-toed shoes will be be dusted off from last year as we move into the warmer weather months.

Refresh your body for summer

But we want to look and feel great as we move into summer and leave the sluggishness and starchy foods behind.

A new season, a new you

According to raw foodie, avid juice cleanser and owner of Naked Treaties in Byron Bay, Jemma Gawned, spring is the perfect time for a cleanse. “Primarily because it fits in with the cycles of nature,” Jemma says. “Everything is waking up, shedding its coat, flowers are sprouting and our bodies, minds and spirits are ready to do the same,” she says.

We slow down during winter, we eat comforting, and not necessarily the most healthy, foods and do less exercise, so come spring, our bodies are ready to get active and release toxins. “Cleansing in spring helps us to rid the body of toxins and stale energy and prepares us to blossom into a lighter, more vibrant way of being for summer,” Jemma says.

So before you go reaching for the bikinis and start planning that trip to the beach, have a read of Jemma’s tips on how to do a cleanse for summer and how to know what is right for you.

Do I need a cleanse?

Whether we feel like we need a cleanse or not, we could all probably do with a good clear out, some more than others depending on diet and lifestyle. If you have low energy, sleep poorly, suffer from gas or bloating, constipation or diahorrea, feel heavy and lethargic, have cellulite, skin breakouts, have dark circles around your eyes or have anything other than a pink healthy tongue, then a clease will help. If you simply want to feel lighter, more radiant, vibrant and healthy and have better mental alertness as well as feeling more centered, relaxed and able to deal with the ups and downs of daily life, then a cleanse is for you.


Leading up to summer, the foods our bodies naturally crave will change. Brightly-coloured and sweet-smelling summer fruits are coming into season and as the body starts to warm up it’s generally a great time for more cooling and cleansing foods, such as juicy melons, mangoes and stone fruits, raw, brightly-coloured vegetables and salad greens. Foods we eat in winter are warming and grounding, whereas in summer they are cooling and uplifting. We naturally need more water in our diet in summer so high water content raw foods and juices are perfect for this time of year


A mix of raw, organic, green smoothies as well as green vegetable juices and raw soups will provide you with all the nutrient requirements you need to fly through your day. They’ll also keep you satiated, give your bowel, liver and kidneys a good clean out and leave you feeling awesome. A three-day cleanse is good for beginners or up to 5 or 7 days if you’re more experienced. Juicing during the day and having a mostly raw, properly-combined dinner at night is a wonderful method too. If you’re thinking of going on a full juice or water fast, make sure you do it under supervision and take time out to completely stop all of your usual daily routines to let your body heal and restore itself.

There are many ways to cleanse, Find one that feels great for you and love yourself enough to give yourself the gift of health and vitality this spring! Visit Naked Treaties in Byron Bay for more information about summer cleansing.

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