With breast cancer awareness month now upon us, hosting your own event is a great way to raise funds and make a difference on your own terms. If you’re looking to host a breast cancer event but aren’t sure where to start, don’t be daunted. Just follow these simple steps.
Figure out what type of event you want to host
Your first port of call will be working out exactly what sort of event you want to hold. Do you want to host a simple luncheon with friends, or do you have something more extravagant in mind? The type of event you’re having will determine crucial details like venue, budget, advertising and the organisation on whose behalf you choose to host the event.
Pick an organisation
Whether you’re looking to host a glam event at your workplace or a simple get together with friends, there are plenty of organisations that allow you to host an event on their behalf. Here are three of our faves:
- National Breast Cancer Foundation. Host a Pink Ribbon Breakfast on behalf of the National Breast Cancer Foundation to help them achieve their goal of zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030. And don’t be fooled by the name — it doesn’t have to be a breakfast at all. Your event can be anything from a black tie dinner to your own mini fun run. Check out the Pink Ribbon Breakfast website for more details and to register.
- Cancer Council. Host a morning tea for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and help the Cancer Council achieve their goal of $13 million to help beat cancer. Once you register, you’ll even be sent out a host toolkit to help you plan your event. Check it out here. You can also host your own Girls’ Night In on behalf of the Cancer Council. Get your favourite ladies together and support the Cancer Council’s fight against breast and gynaecological cancers. Your night in can be an intimate get together or a huge event — the sky’s the limit. Click here to get started now.
- McGrath Foundation. Host an event to help the McGrath Foundation place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in Australian communities and increase breast cancer awareness in young women. You can host any type of event you want, although we think a pink cricket match at your local club is kind of a great idea. Click here for more details and to register.
Brainstorm ideas
Get your friends together and brainstorm ideas for your event. Where will you hold it? Will you be decorating? How will you make it special?
If you have a friend who is a gym junkie (or art teacher… or yoga instructor), have him or her run a group lesson with the entry fee as a donation.
Make a budget
Have a clear idea of what you are able to spend on your event. Remember that the goal here is fundraising, so make sure you are able to cover the costs.
Start promoting your event
To ensure that as many people as possible attend your event, remember to send out invites well ahead of time. The invite should clearly include the details of the event and, most importantly, how people can donate. Use social media to share your invite, and ask your friends to share it too. Don’t underestimate the power of good old-fashioned word of mouth — get as many people involved in promoting your event as possible.
Don’t be afraid to get creative. If you’re hosting a yoga event, take a photo of yourself in your best pink yoga outfit and include the event details in the image. Then share, share, share via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email!
On the day of your event you may very well be running around like a headless chicken serving food, making last minute arrangements and taking donations. But don’t forget to step back for a moment and enjoy the day. This is your moment to be proud — you’ve taken the time and effort to organise an event for a fabulous cause. Hooray for you!
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