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Why relationship selfies are good for your relationship

#Aftersex selfies are the latest trend, with post-coital bliss photos all over social media. While this has been met with a lot of criticism, new research is explaining why relationship selfies are good for your love bond. Apparently, “relfies” are all the rage, so why are they good for your relationship?

It seems that relfies are fast becoming public displays of affection for social media. They inform others that you are part of a couple, indicate your affection for one another and show your levels of happiness within your relationship. While there is a lot of criticism for what people post on social media, it seems that even research is in support of relfies.

A self-taken photo of you and your partner creates a perception of your relationship, which is often quite accurate. When you look happy in your relfie, others believe your relationship is highly satisfying and often they are correct. Obviously, there are other factors to take into account, such as status updates and relationship statuses, but your friends can gauge pretty accurately from your relfie if you are in a happy relationship.

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Don’t go overboard

Your friends are mostly happy for people who appear to be enjoying their relationship and display high levels of relationship satisfaction. People enjoy seeing others who seem to be enjoying their life. But be warned, if you get too soppy, your friends will like you less. While they may still believe your relationship is happy, too much affection puts people off. Perhaps it is the equivalent of a passionate snog in the street?

The best kinds of relfies are those that show you and your partner doing something new and exciting together. When you post these, it shows that you are both open to experiencing new things together and exploring life. Trying something unknown within relationships is proven to strengthen relationships and help you both grow as people. Mutual development is an important part of keeping relationships alive and exciting. It also encourages individual growth, which sustains your levels of happiness and confidence within your relationship.

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Tend to your relationship

Regardless of how you choose to display your relationship on social media, it is important to make sure that you tend to your relationship in person. Posting happy pics and waxing lyrical about your beloved may convince others of your happiness, but nothing compares to saying these things in person. Letting your partner know how much you love them face to face will impact on your relationship the most.

Make sure that you take time to put down the phone, laptop or whatever other way you access social media and have a real conversation with your beloved. For many of us, time is a real gift, so make sure you offer this to your partner regularly. Making eye contact, asking questions and being interested in your partner’s life allows them to feel special and important to you, which builds intimacy and affection. So, while relfies are all the rage and can show the rest of the world how happy you are in your partnership, don’t forget to take some private time for connection and intimacy.

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