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Woman scores a date like a boss by leaving a note for a hunky dog walker

The small coastal town of Picton in New Zealand is going crazy about a love story that has unfolded in front of their eyes.

Have you ever been in a situation where someone smiled at you down the aisle of the grocery store or while out walking your dog and you kicked yourself for not striking up a conversation? Left forever wondering what if? Well, a woman named Sarah has taken destiny into her own hands after catching glimpse of a guy who was playing with his dog on a beach in New Zealand.

The pair shared a glance, but didn’t speak. So instead of kicking herself and wondering what could have been, Sarah instead created a poster and stuck it up for him to find.

“Is this you?” the poster read, along with a picture of a man walking his dog. “I was sitting on the grass on Friday watching the sea… you were playing with your dog. You ran past me and smiled,” it continues.

“Would you like to go for a drink/coffee/walk??? I’m in Wellington just now, my ferry arrives back in Picton on Tuesday 3rd. I’m in town for 1 night only… but let’s see how things go… on the off-chance you are single, remember who I am and would like to meet for a drink/coffee/walk. I’ll be sitting on the grass, watching the sea from 1-1.30pm onwards on Tuesday… maybe you’ll run past again?!? (sic)”

My inner schoolgirl is squealing at the thought of this love story panning out. And the guy, Will, showed up to meet Sarah on the grass this afternoon, with people eagerly following the story on social media.

“Romance? didnt think it existed? This is so damn cute! (sic)” one follower of the story said.

“Awwww this is the sweetest thing ever,” said another.

“Hes coming, I think he was going to get the dog first.. Yay Sarah, how exciting!! Good Luck Bro (sic),” chimed in one of his friends.

What do you think about this romantic tale? Are you squealing like a schoolgirl, too? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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