You might have heard those old school phrases about hair like “blondes have more fun,” but did you ever wonder if they actually do? You hair color can say a lot about your personality. It can say even more about sexual personality.
Now I am a redhead, and have been (in some iteration or another) since I was 15, but it is far from my natural blonde hair color. I connect much more with the personality traits of a natural redhead than I do a blonde. While I’m sure the studies connecting hair color to personality are talking about subjects’ natural color rather than a dye job, I think it’s fair to say the color you choose to dye your hair has an effect on your personality as well.
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Most know that natural redheads are rare, making up only two to six percent of the U.S. population, but what is not so commonly known is they tend to have more sex. A study conducted by Werner Habermehl, Ph.D., from the Hamburg Research Institute in Germany looked at hundreds of German women’s sex lives in conjunction with their hair color. It found that the redheaded women were much more sexually active than their blond and brunette counterparts. “The research shows that the fiery redhead certainly lives up to her reputation,” said Professor Habermehl to Everyday Health.
More:9 Things only redheads know about sex
Redheads are often considered sexy and desirable. According to Psychology Today, the reason behind this is not cut and dry, but it likely has to do with how rare they are. People tend to be attracted to hot commodities, and natural redheads are certainly that. Red hair is also a sign of youth and fertility, because it’s the opposite of gray hair (which signifies to men that a woman can no longer bear children). It’s also bold and attention grabbing, which is why many people assume redheads are fiery (although there’s no scientific evidence to back that up).
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Brunettes are often seen as hard-working, smart and trustworthy. Sixty-seven percent of female CEOs said they would hire a brunette over any other hair color. According to the Daily Mail, this stereotype is so embedded in our society that 31 percent of natural blondes dye their hair brown in order to get ahead at work. A quarter of those women said they were actually given a promotion post hair color change.
Brunettes are usually more reserved in the bedroom — less than half of the brunettes polled in a survey of 2,500 said they’ve had a one-night stand. However, while they may be more reserved in choosing a partner, once they engage in sex, they seem to surpass the rest. According to a 2013 study, 58 percent of people say brunettes are better in bed. So even though redheads are jumping in the sack more, brunettes are apparently outperforming them.
More:Ideas for brunette hairstyles
Men also seem to find brunettes overall the most attractive. The University of Westminster in the U.K. conducted a study where they monitored the male attention a fair-skinned woman received while sporting blond, brunette and red hair colors. While her blond color attracted the most attention, the men once further poled, divulged they were most into her as a brunette.
Image: Giphy
Blond is the most coveted hair color among women, because the lighter hue is often associated with youth and beauty. Again, the reason for this is not straightforward, but scientists assume it’s because blondes tend to have higher levels of estrogen in their bodies. This in turn makes them look overall more feminine, and thus more attractive to men. According to The Guardian, these higher estrogen levels also make features smaller and finer, which enhances that youthful baby look, which signifies fertility. That whole notion of blondes having more fun? That also stems from these higher estrogen levels, which make for women with higher levels of energy.
Blondes also tend to be the wild and crazy ones in the bedroom. According to a poll of 1,500 men in the UK, 36 percent of men consider blondes to be the most spirited between the sheets. Also, in the previously mentioned bar study, blondes were considered the most approachable and open. However, when it comes to marriage material, brunettes unequivocally win out with 61 percent of men saying they’d prefer to tie the knot with them. Sorry, blondes. I suppose you’ll just have to leave boring, married life to your more serious, dark-haired sisters.
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