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Why men like women who read erotica

Stop hiding your book covers! In fact, if you’re single and looking, you might want to start flashing your titles in public.

According to a recent study of 1,700 people by Elite Singles, 60 percent of singles would prefer to date a book lover. But while women prefer men who read thrillers (19 percent), men are most attracted to women who read erotica! In fact, the survey revealed that for one in five men, erotica readers are as sexy as it gets (21 percent). In other words, if you’re a woman wanting to meet a man on your next subway ride, coffee shop stop or vacation, it might be time to put down the paper and pick up 50 shades of something.

More: Sexy book except from Emma Chase’s Sustained

So why might men be attracted to women who aren’t afraid to show sexual desires via their library selection? Well, naughty librarian fantasies aside, men are likely to assume a woman who reads erotica is a bit more open-minded. “Because most men are very sexually driven, and think of sex every few seconds, a woman who sends out sexy signals is beyond appealing,” says Dr. Jamie Turndorf, author of several books including Kiss Your Fights Good-bye: Dr. Love’s 10 Simple Steps to Cooling Conflict and Rekindling Your Relationship and Love Never Dies.Reading erotica keeps those sex fires stoked! When a woman is feeling sexy, she emits a pheromone that literally magnetizes men to her.”

And seriously, who doesn’t love a good bodice ripper? Well, apparently women do, but according to the study, they actually aren’t attracted to men who read them. However, we think women might wish to rethink that stat. “Sexy novels are more educational for men,” says Dr. Turndorf. “If guys want to bone up on their sex skills, they should be reading a romance novel or two!”

Also, men aren’t the only ones who can learn from reading sexy literature. “Erotica is a great ‘training’ ground for women who want to be more sexual and may not know where to start,” says Nina Helms, founder of the SHE Intimate Fitness skin care line. “A woman who reads erotica also indicates that she may be better able to lower her inhibitions to being a sexual being and wants to stimulate the largest sex organ of her body, the brain!”

When it comes to the types of erotica that women prefer, it’s usually something that builds and seduces the reader. “Women tend to like porn and erotica that has a story, has lots of foreplay, and is a long, slow burn,” says Helms. “We like what our bodies like.”

More: 6 Sexually-charged excerpts from erotica books

So what are some titles you might want to pick up to lure potential suitors (and possibly turn yourself on in the process)?

Helms recommends the recently released Beauty’s Kingdom by Ann Rice (yes, the author of the original seductive vampire series also excels at erotica) and the popular Lust: Erotic Fantasies for Women, edited by Violet Blue (a collection of 17 short and sexy stories celebrating female desire).

Dr. Turndorf suggests The Highlander Series from Maya Banks, and the romance classics The Wolf and the Dove and The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss.

Whatever your pleasure, the reality is that a little erotic reading may help flip on your siren switch and attract a mate. In other words, don’t be afraid to show your reading list to potential lovers… you might just find yourself swept away.

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