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Jilted bride throws $35,000 party for homeless people

A canceled wedding is an incredibly traumatic experience for anyone, but when it is so close to the date that no refunds are available, it must be somewhat akin to divorce in terms of pain, both emotional and financial. One bride in California took that pain and turned it into something beautiful and productive.

After Quinn Duane’s Sacramento wedding was canceled too late to the date to change anything about the catering bill and hall rental, her parents (who had footed the $35,000 bill already) decided to open up the 120-person event to the public. The homeless public to be precise.

Though the bride herself opted to stay home (for good reason), the homeless people she fed were very grateful.

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Rashad Abdullah, who ate the meal with this wife Erika Craycraft told ABC News: “When you’re going through a hard time and a struggle for you to get out to do something different and with your family, it was really a blessing.”

His wife echoed that: “To lose out on something so important to yourself and then give it to someone else is really giving, really kind.”

And yes, it is.

I canceled two engagements. They weren’t nearly as far along as Duane’s wedding, but I had to give back two rings and have a pretty uncomfortable and miserable conversation more than once. It was painful and hard. To see something good come out of that is kind of the best case scenario. Although, the fact is, the person who canceled the wedding isn’t off the hook. There is no reason the Duane family shouldn’t go after the fiance and try to recoup at least some of the expenses they incurred. A promise is a promise.

MoreEmotional dad stops daughter’s wedding to give her stepdad the spotlight

The charity is beautiful, but 35K is not a small amount of money and certainly the former bride should not be the only one to pay for his sudden change of heart. However this works out, I hope her pain is lessened somewhat by the knowledge that she did something beautiful for others. And the karma from that should send her a wonderful suitor who will love her well and give her the wedding she deserves.

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