Is fitness your love language?
If the answer is “yes,” don’t get stuck spending another Valentine’s Day doing something cliché like dinner and a movie (with, of course, extra-buttered popcorn) or, worse, a night of indulgence at the bar. While those activities can definitely be romantic, you probably won’t think it’s as cute while you attempt to work off your indulgences at the gym the next day.
Avoid that “blah” feeling altogether and head the gym (or the cycling studio or the park) for a romantic couple’s workout. While your standard spin or barre class may not leave much room for interaction with your bae, we’ve rounded up the best workouts for couples — so you can simultaneously enjoy your sweat session as you enjoy each other.
1. Sign up for a competition-based cycling class
Nobody likes playing games when it comes to relationships, but a little healthy competition between lovers can be fun. At cycling studios like Flywheel and New York City’s Swerve Fitness, the ante is automatically upped due to the competitive element of class. Flywheel displays a real-time “TorqBoard,” featuring individual riders’ power output, so participants can compete with one another throughout the class. Swerve Fitness divides participants into three teams that compete against one another throughout the duration of the class — so if there’s another couple you’d like to challenge, invite them along!
2. Go ice-skating
What’s more romantic than holding hands around an ice-skating rink? Perhaps only the hot chocolate (or hot toddies) you’ll share to warm up, afterwards. Ice-skating is perfect for less intense couples that still want to be active. Worried about balance? Just grab your partner’s hand to steady yourself!
3. Set your sights on a race
Just about any couple can go out for a jog together, but it takes true commitment to sign up for a race and cross the finish line together. First, choose a race distance that’s achievable for both of your fitness levels, whether it’s a half marathon, 10K or your local 5K. Then, scour the Internet (or consult a running coach) for a multiweek training plan. By hitting the road together every week up until the big day, you’re sure to bond (and sweat) extra hard with your boo.
4. Try swinging (in tennis, of course)
Practice your backhand while checking out your partner’s backside with a game of tennis. Couple up with your special someone and challenge another pair or take your partner one-on-one for an intense game of love. Who doesn’t look good in tennis whites?
5. Try naked yoga
All couples can turn up the heat at Bikram yoga, but for the truly adventurous couple, naked yoga might be more up your alley. Not only will you get a good workout, but you’ll be able to limber up for the inevitable “round two” that’s sure to come once you’re home alone.
6. Try indoor rock climbing
Even if you and your significant other like to think of yourselves as independent people, you can still afford to depend on each other every once in a while — especially when that “once in a while” is during a rock climbing class. Not only will you get a solid arm workout, but you’ll be able to spot your sweetie from the ground… and watch their backside as they descend up the wall.
7. Spot one another at CrossFit
Athletic couples who like to go hard at the gym (and in life) should try out a CrossFit class where they can truly test their skills, endurance and stamina. You’ll be able to play the protector when acting as a spotter for your sweetie, then show off your form when it’s your turn to perform.
8. Get handsy with boxing
Imagining your significant other literally fighting for you — like, with their fists — is a fantasy we’re all entitled to have. Why not play it out in real life (actual violence aside, of course)? You’ll get a punch out of boxing with your babe. The more you turn up the heat, the better the knockout will be when you get home!
9. Use your body language in dance
If your go-to dance move is the robot, it’s time for a change. Treat your better half to a dance class (salsa, tango, ballroom dancing — it’s up to you!) led by a professional instructor. Not only will you be able to press yourself up against each other for the duration of the class, but you’ll also have some sick moves to show off at your next wedding or social event.
If we haven’t convinced you yet, studies show that exercise can improve your sex life. So get out there, and get sweaty!
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