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10 Best David Bowie songs for your workout playlist

David Bowie — the man, the legend, the space alien — died peacefully on Sunday, Jan. 11, 2016, after an 18-month fight with cancer.

Everyone will mourn Bowie’s loss in a different way, but if you’re like me, then you like to work out your feelings with a good, sweaty workout. And what better way to remember the effervescent weirdo and rock god than to honor him with an amazing workout playlist?

More:Spotify uses science to create the most motivational workout playlist ever

Here are some ideas to take with you to the gym, and I hope you’ll add your own suggestions too! This playlist will take you through about 45 minutes of heart-pumping action, complete with a warm-up, cooldown and some intervals in the middle for good measure. Because if it’s one thing David Bowie could do and do well, it’s make our hearts race.

1. “Magic Dance,” 106 BPM (beats per minute). Every ’80s kid will remember being alternately thrilled and chilled by Bowie’s evil performance in the movie Labyrinth. And this song’s catchy beat is perfect to warm up to, especially because you are the babe with the power!

2. “Let’s Dance,” 114 BPM. If this doesn’t make you want to move, I don’t know what will! And if you have to sing along on the treadmill, we’ll all totally understand.

3. “China Girl,” 138 BPM. A true Bowie classic, it will start to get your heart rate up. If you need a distraction, watch the video, and remember what politically incorrect dorks we all were in the ’80s.

4. “Young Americans,” 160 BMP. This beat is just right for people who run at about a 9-minute-per-mile pace. The poppy melody will keep you going, and the words will make you think — a combo that Bowie excelled at.

5. “5:15 The Angels Have Gone,” 182 BPM. Ready to sprint? This fast-paced number will keep you steady while you run, jump or otherwise power through some serious heart-pumping action.

6. “Dancing in the Street (remix),” 131 BPM. With Mick Jagger helping him on vocals, what could be a better way to relive your childhood and recover from the intensity of sprinting.

7. “Space Oddity,” 138 BPM. Bowie was always out of this world; it’s one of the things we all loved best about him. This will help you keep up your pace and dream of things bigger than ourselves.

8. “The Man Who Sold the World,” 118 BPM. Whether you’re doing straight cardio or lifting weights, this light rhythm will inspire you while making you look at the world in a totally different way.

9. “Heroes,” 115 BPM. Cool down, and be proud of being your own hero. Bowie himself was a fan of exercise — he even boxed while on tour — so I’m sure he’d be proud of you too. (In that completely unemotional, ice-queen way of his.)

10. “Where Are We Now,” 80 BPM. Don’t forget to stretch… and ask yourself the big questions. Is it time for a major life change? Maybe. He would definitely tell you to do it: Take risks, dream big, jump, and don’t ever be afraid to let your freak flag fly.

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