Tons of Americans made a resolution to exercise more this year. And while that sounds good in theory, sometimes the reality can be a little bit scarier than we thought… especially when it comes to going to the gym. And is there anything more intimidating than walking into a fitness class where everyone else knows what they’re doing? Take a deep breath: You got this.
And remember, everybody had a first time.
1. There’s a line to get in this class? This isn’t Disneyland! What kind of person waits in line to exercise?
2. Where do I stand? How does everyone know how to line up? Are there invisible lines I can’t see?
3. That woman is staring at me. Are there assigned spots? Am I standing in her spot?
4. Why does everyone look so different in spandex?
5. Whoa, the teacher has more muscles than my boyfriend.
6. Oh, OK, we’re going! I’m sweating, I’m breathing, I’m fine… wait, that was just the warm up?
7. OMG, it hurts. I’m going to die.
8. I wonder if anyone here knows CPR? Why don’t I know CPR? What kind of adult am I?
9. OK, maybe I’m not going to die.
10. Where’s the clock? We have how many minutes left?
11. I totally could use a shake right now. Not a protein shake, a milk shake. I’ll add some fruit. That makes it healthy, right?
12. Why did I stand so far away from the doors?
13. Having serious “middle school gym” flashbacks right now.
14. Why did I wear these pants? Is that really my butt?
15. And why are there mirrors on every single surface?
16. Wait — you want me to do what?
17. Breathe… breathebreathebreathebreathe.
18. Ugh, something smells really bad in here. Who had tofu for breakfast?
19. How is that grandma so much better than me?
20. Nope, I’m definitely going to die.
22. “Oh, hi! Yes, of course I’ll be here next week!”
23. What did I just commit to?
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