Anyone who claims they just fantasize about their significant other while masturbating is lying to themselves. Sure, they might enter your mind if they’ve been on a business trip for a while or your relationship is relatively new, but if you’ve been coupled for some time, other sexy folks are sure to make a cameo or two.
More: 11 songs that are totally about masturbation
Now, just because you may have mind sex with people who aren’t your partner while you’re masturbating doesn’t make you a cheater, unless of course you plan to turn your fantasy into a reality. It just makes you a normal person with an imagination who’s attracted to attractive people… and celebrities.
According to sex toy manufacturer We-Vibe‘s 2016 Passion Report, thinking about celebrities while you masturbate is pretty common, especially for men. When they surveyed 1,032 men and women around the country about their masturbatory tendencies, they discovered 33 percent of men and 19 percent of women said they thought about celebs while self-loving.
However, it’s not the general thought that’s particularly interesting, it’s who they thought about. According to the scientific data, women and men fantasize about Jennifer Lopez the most, if they’re into women, that is. Second- and third-place prime masturbation material went to Carrie Underwood and Jennifer Lawrence.
More: 9 reasons married people should still masturbate
As far as male fantasy figures, first prize went to Channing Tatum (duh), Ryan Gosling and Adam Levine. While I’m sad no silver foxes made it onto this list (Robert Downey Jr. guys, come on), this list seems pretty on-point. I’ve definitely welcomed Ryan into my sexual brain space on occasion while getting down with myself. However, I tend to go much more specific when I’m celebrity fantasizing. I like to think about certain characters they play, rather than just the actors themselves. For example, Ryan in TheNotebook has made a few appearances, but not Ryan in Lars and the Real Girl. What can I say, I like manly, period-piece dudes! Hence why 1990s Colin Firth from Pride and Prejudice is often in the mix.
…. What was I talking about? Masturbation, right. While thinking about these tasty celebs, 53 percent of the female survey participants said they use a little help from a friend (aka sex toy). Only 22 percent of men do the same, but that’s likely because their physiology doesn’t lend itself as well to insertable pleasure stimulators.
More: The masturbation challenge your body is begging you to take
The long and short of it (see what I did there?) is masturbation in moderation is good for you, therefore no one should feel ashamed about it (yes, ladies, I’m talking to you). Women overall feel much shyer about admitting to their masturbatory habits, no doubt because of residual sexual stereotypes. However, as May is National Masturbation Month, let’s work to change that sentiment by talking openly about our masturbation proclivities. You can compare notes with your friends, stir things up with your partner or even talk about it with siblings, if that’s easier. The important thing is to start the conversation. It’s 2016 — it’s time we take self-love off the taboo shelf.
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