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Your relationship status may have everything to do with your Hulu queue

The key to keeping your relationship strong has a lot to do with Game of Thrones. No, you don’t watch the gory HBO show for its relationship tips — that’s a terrible, terrible idea — but watching TV regularly with your partner has a lot to do with keeping things going well, according to a new study.

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And if you don’t watch? Well, that might keep you from finding love. A study of 1,935 adults by Propeller Insights & Xfinity found that 30 percent of single millennials won’t date someone with different show preferences.

It might seem like a cop out, but differing opinions on TV viewing could point to more fundamental personality differences, according to one expert.

“If someone is upset their significant other doesn’t like their show, they may actually be concerned they are too different in those areas and not compatible, psychotherapist Meg Batterson told The New York Post in 2015 of why shared TV interests are important.

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“It can be a bit of a letdown,” Megan Zilis told The Post of how it feels to know her boyfriend doesn’t like the same show she does. “When you’re really into something and want to share this great thing you’ve just found and it just doesn’t resonate with your partner.”

On the other hand, Netflix, HBO Go and Apple TV also serve as a relationship counselor of sorts. According to the study, 66 percent of all couples and 75 percent of millennial pairs say that watching television together strengthens their relationships — so much so that a good percentage are willing to cancel social engagements in order to binge-watch Orange Is the New Black.

Not all is perfect when you share favorite shows with your partners — 50 percent of couples surveyed admitted to committing the ultimate betrayal: “TV cheating,” otherwise known as watching without their partner.

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It’s safe to say this study was conducted before last week’s release of Pokémon Go. I’m going to go ahead and predict that any new relationships for the rest of 2016 will start — and end — because of the game. It’s already happening, after all.

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