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Sick of online dating? Maybe you should follow this guy’s lead to find love

True or false: No great love story ever started by contacting a number written on a bathroom wall.

False… and the story is super cute, not creepy.

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At least one marriage can be contributed to one of those numbers scratched on a bathroom stall in a bar, according to The Sun. It all started when trucker Mark Ellis spotted “if you want a good shag call Donna” along with her phone number.

He texted. “Hi. What are you up to?”

“Who is this” Donna wrote back. The number was written on the wall by a jilted ex. But, she kept talking to Ellis and they met in person a few days later.

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“It was days be­fore he told me how he got my number,” she told the newspaper. “I was stunned. I had to get a new phone so no one else could ring.”

They’ve since married and live with their two children, ages eight and nine. The, along with the rest of her family and friends, don’t know how Ellis and Donna met. Well, until now. “I usually say that he texted me by mistake,” she said.

And as for the douche ex that wrote her number on the wall?

“I should thank my ex — he did me a favor.”

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