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Enterprising Florida woman sells positive pregnancy tests for $30 a pop

An entrepreneur in Florida has started selling her urine online in order to help defray costs of attending college.

The Jacksonville, Florida, woman, who did not want to be identified, is pregnant and offering her urine to customers on Craigslist for $30 a pop to use to create positive pregnancy tests. She told WJAX that she got the idea after looking online for a job she could do while pregnant.

“I saw from other women and their experiences that it’s very easy,” the woman told WJAX.

Apparently, this is a trend that has been going on for years.

More:Sneaky, urine-stealing husband shocks wife with pregnancy announcement

This woman’s Craigslist ad read, “Whether you are using it for your own amusement such as a prank, or to blackmail the CEO of wherever who you are having an affair with I DONT CARE AT ALL this is an absolutely no questions asked type of deal tell me what you need I provide it for monetary exchange. I will not overcharge for the urine test but I will not be low balled either do not contact me if you are going to be cheap and difficult.”

She said that dozens of people have contacted her to purchase her pregnant urine and have come as far as Orlando, but she never asks what they plan to do with the positive pregnancy tests. The woman reported that she has earned approximately $200 a day since posting the ad.

More:Declining routine tests during pregnancy

“Me being in college working on a bachelor’s and needing all this money to pay for a degree, this was a no-brainer,” the woman told WJAX.

Dale Carson, an attorney and former FBI agent, said that selling urine to get a positive pregnancy test is not a crime, but could potentially be considered fraud.

“This is the kind of thing that makes legislators go ‘we need to pass a law that says you can’t do this,’” he said.

More:11 early signs of pregnancy you shouldn’t be ignoring

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