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How I’ve learned to cope with the worst parts of my endometriosis

Despite having endometriosis, I think it’s so important to not let endo slow me down too much (because there’s no stopping it slowing you down a little) and to keep on doing the things I love. For that reason, I wanted to share some tips on the more everyday aspects of living with endometriosis. If you have it, then I don’t need to tell you twice about how much it impacts your day-to-day activities. These are just some tips that have helped me, so hopefully they can help some of you too.

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Wear loose fitting clothing

When your bloating is extreme like mine and you swell out to look six months pregnant at a moment’s notice, then this one is a must! I didn’t used to wear flowy clothing because it doesn’t really suit my body shape, but since dealing with endometriosis, I have found it to be more and more helpful in providing a little bit of comfort. Sure, I still look six months pregnant when I swell out, but at least I avoid the uncomfortably restrictive feeling of pants about to explode!

Find your trigger foods

There is such a thing as the “endo diet” where you pretty much cut out caffeine, dairy, processed foods and stick to a Paleo diet, which many have found to be helpful in relieving their symptoms. Everyone is different so find out which foods are worse for you then avoid them like the plague.

You already have enough pain in your life without adding in more! For me, my worst trigger food is actually coffee which sucks because I enjoy the odd cup of joe! Turns out, my body does not enjoy it, so I don’t drink coffee anymore. This simple change provides me with some much needed relief.

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Know your limits

One of the tricky aspects of endo is that it’s an invisible illness – meaning, you look normal on the outside while your body is waging war on itself on the inside. This can put a little pressure on you to keep up with others.

Remember that your body needs a little extra TLC at times when the pain you have is enough to give Freddy Kruger nightmares. It’s not to say that you use endo as a crutch and become a victim of life, but your pain will usually be cyclical, so remember to give yourself a break during the worst times and rest when you need.

Perhaps plan ahead and keep your schedule a little more free in the worst times so you have time to rest and relax. Then in the easier times, you can plan for a more “normal” schedule.


Read as much as you can to learn from others who live with the disease. I swear this has been the most helpful thing for me in terms of understanding how to manage it.

I think best of all it reminds you that you are not alone. It’s not nice to think of others in the same pain, but at the same time, it is almost a comfort to know that you can connect with others who understand what you are going through and can offer helpful advice.

If you have any other tips please share them in the comments below because you know it will help someone!

More: Just because I don’t have a diagnosis yet doesn’t mean I’m not in pain

Originally published on BlogHer

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