Looking to nail your next race, bump up your weights, or straight up slay a tough move? Here’s a trick: talk to yourself! A study found that a group of competitive swimmers who used self talk performed better in competition than those who didn’t use the technique. For runners, researchers found self talk increases time to exhaustion during endurance training. It can literally help you run the extra mile! Try these tips to kick your fitness goals up a notch while feeling pretty amazing about it, too.
1. Make a daily mantra
Write down a mantra that speaks specifically to you and your goals. Read it out loud to yourself every morning. This can be as simple as “stay strong” or “I love my body.” It can also be more detailed such as, “I am going to run 5 miles today and feel incredible!” Say this at least ten times each morning and ten times before you go to bed.
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2. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones
If you ever get down on yourself (as well all occasionally do), focus on changing your mindset. For example, if you slept in and skipped a workout, resist the urge to get angry at yourself. Instead, remind yourself of all the healthy things you’re doing for your body today.
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3. Boost your phone vibes
Think about how often you open your phone. It’s probably a lot more than you realize! Set your background as your mantra or an inspiring quote that you can repeat to yourself every time you use your cell. Every dose of self-talk you can add into your life will help boost the positive effects.
4. Give yourself a workout pep talk
We always say, “don’t listen to yourself, TALK to yourself.” During a challenging workout, run, or class, it’s so easy to hear, “I can’t do this” or “this is too hard.” Change that dialogue in your head to, “I can do this!” The results will seriously amaze you.
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It all comes down to loving yourself and having confidence that you’re a pretty amazing human, because you are! That’s the main idea behind our brand new BODY LOVE workouts. Give your body the sweat sesh it craves and remind yourself that you’re a badass the entire time. And don’t forget that you’re the best YOU anyone can be!
Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott are the founders of Tone It Up.
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