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Should I Be Concerned About My Nipple Hair?

As we get older, our bodies mature and we start seeing things in places we’ve never seen them before — catch a hint on where this conversation is going? One of the biggest changes our bodies go through as we get older is the introduction of body hair in all its various places. But one place that people often overlook is closer than you think: your nipples.

Yes, your nipples can grow hair, and no, it’s not totally weird that there happens to be some there. In fact, nipple hair is completely normal, and it basically showcases you as a just another functioning human being. Welcome to the club!

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To comfort you with some stats, about 30 percent of women have nipple hair, so you’re definitely not alone in this. It’s something that’s caused by a variety of different bodily factors, all of which are completely standard.

Nipple hair usually sprouts up because of hormonal changes, perhaps an overproduction of male hormones (also known as androgens) in your body, genetics or even certain drugs or medications that you could be taking at the time. The only possible serious concern you could have with nipple hair is in relation to polycystic ovary syndrome, which is basically an overproduction of androgens or testosterone.

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In the event that you’re still not convinced and want to find ways to remove the hair, should you choose, normal methods are usually acceptable. One disclaimer: If you really want to remove your hair, don’t use depilatory products (like Nair) — although it’s a trusted product for arms and legs and it can work (careful) wonders around our bikini line, using it for your nipple hairs will only leave you with regret and lots of pain. So, stay away from that!

Otherwise, plucking after a hot shower when the pores are open will help significantly diminish any pain that single hair-plucking inherently causes, carefully shaving the area, trimming them with scissors, getting them waxed or even getting them removed via laser are all viable options should you feel the need to “go bare.” Nipple hair is also known to grow at a glacial pace, so if you decide to go with some form of hair removal, you should be clear for at least three weeks.

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