We kick off June in the feisty and fun sign of Gemini, which is a great way to usher in
summer as Gemini energy is exciting, light, fun and fresh. As astrologer Desiree Roby Antila puts it, “It allows us to let loose and not be so worried about what is to come but rather what is happening in the moment.” Then by month’s end, we enter Cancer season. The crab is all about family, nurturing, and nostalgia, so don’t be surprised if you are intent on sticking close to loved ones or recreating summer memories at this time. Let’s see what else the stars have in store for us this month.
Be open to new passions, but stay grounded.
On June 3rd, there was a full moon in Sagittarius, which Antila called “juicy and
sweet,” as it stirred up passion and exploration. And while Sagittarius is known for taking risks, she warns to keep one foot on the ground since your latest adventure might not be as “open-ended” as you might hope. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop dreaming! Just have a plan of action in place rather than living in pure fantasy.
Your love life is about to get dramatic.
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, entered Leo on June 5th, and if you know anything about Leo, then you know we can expect some major passion and drama. But that’s not all. According to Antila, this transit will be turning up the heart for an extra-long four month stay in the royal sign of the lioness. “Typically, the planet of love only stays in a sign for four weeks, but because of its retrograde from July 22 to September 3, we will get a quadruple dose of this bold vibe,” Antila explains. Which means when it comes to your love life, couples and singles can expect brash moves, tons of flirting and over-the-top gestures – basically the type of love that only happens in the movies. So enjoy and also…beware.
Your phone is about to blow up.
On June 11, Mercury, the planet of communication of technology, entered the chatty sign of Gemini (which is also ruled by Mercury), which means our communication is about to go hyper-speed, a la Gilmore Girls. Antila says this three-week transit will have people chatting up a storm and getting together to enjoy some summer fun. “Things always get busy and buzzy during this time, so make sure to carve out time for rest,” she advises.
What do you want to learn?
The new moon in Gemini on June 18 will have us intellectually more curious than usual, says Antila. But because Gemini is also a social sign, you’ll also want to lean on your social circle. “This is the perfect lunation to hit up your favorite bookstore, coffee shop, or have a fun night out with your crew,” Antila advises. Gemini rules local travel, so Antila recommends getting yourself out there and relishing in what your community has to offer in addition to planning what your next big trip might be. Additionally, Neptune in Pisces is squaring this moon which can leave you questioning your emotions, so Antila
suggests calling up your support system to get a different perspective to help ground
Sentimental connections will be prioritized.
Once Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, enters the nostalgic and
empathic sign of Cancer on June 26th, Antila says you’ll notice a definite slowdown in
communication. “Verbose Mercury has been flying at light speed through its own sign
for the past few weeks, but it is time for a cool down as it enters Cancer,” she explains.
“This transit encourages sentimental connections and brings intuition into our thought
process. This is a fabulous time to host something at your home or refresh your living
space.” Don’t be surprised if you want to speak with people from the past and/or the
folks who make you feel most at home with yourself.
What do you really wish for?
Neptune, the planet of dreams, goes retrograde on June 30th, which Antila says will “cue the fog.” Here, that means that we might be feeling a little dreamy during this period as we experience different sensations that ask us to dig further into what we truly want to experience in our lives. “During this half year transit is when most of us get our wildest dreams and downloads, so this is the perfect time to start a dream diary,” she explains. “Collectively it asks us to calmly refine our wishes and internalize our manifestations when it comes to our fantasies. This is a time for refinement and purification as well as creating protection for infiltration and deception.”
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