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Toddler Formulas are Unregulated and Unnecessary — Here’s What Parents Need to Know

Toddler formula might be all over the shelves at your grocery store, but you’re better off skipping it, according to a clinical report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics on Friday, which describes toddler formula as “generally unnecessary and nutritionally incomplete” in a press release for the report.

“Products that are advertised as ‘follow-up formulas,’ ‘weaning formulas,’ or ‘toddler milks and formulas,’ are misleadingly promoted as a necessary part of a healthy child’s diet or, for those directed at young infants, equivalent to infant formula,” lead author George J. Fuchs, III, MD, FAAP, a member of the Committee on Nutrition, which produced the clinical report, said in the press release.

The researchers reviewed drinks that were aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 36 months and found several issues that led to their conclusions. For one thing, toddler formulas aren’t regulated by the FDA, which means that there is no oversight to ensure formulas for this age group adhere to a specific standard.

The result is that the formulas vary widely in composition. “Some of these formulas have been criticized as having elements considered to be unnecessary or potentially detrimental,” the report notes, including high or low protein, higher sodium than cow’s milk, and added sweeteners. Relative to cow’s milk, toddler formulas have “been associated with greater intakes of sweetened beverages as well as sweetened dairy products, such as fruit yogurts and cream cheese desserts, perhaps because of an influence on taste preference,” they added.

The report also stated that toddler formulas are “not nutritionally complete” and shouldn’t be seen as substitutes for “medical nutritional therapy” for older infants, toddlers, and children who may need it, such as malnourished children or children with swallowing dysfunction, feeding aversions, disease-specific nutritional requirements, or conditions like cerebral palsy. “A distinction should be made between [toddler formulas] and medically necessary pediatric formulas,” the researchers said.

The report did note that toddler formulas can “safely be used as part of a varied diet for children but do not provide a nutritional advantage.” There were a few other caveats to that, too. For one thing, toddler formulas are “unnecessary for most,” with the report stating that it’s better to focus on feeding toddlers nutritionally balanced diets and fortified foods, and, on a broader scale, working on issues such as food security.

In addition, researchers took issue with the way toddler formulas are often marketed, which “potentially discourages continued breastfeeding and is often based on vague concerns parents have that their child is not getting some needed micronutrients and that these are uniquely provided by [toddler formula].”

Instead, the researchers stated that toddler formulas should make clear that they’re distinct from infant formula by, for example, not calling the products “formula” at all, but going with a term like “beverage” or “drink.” The researchers stated that the products shouldn’t even be placed next to infant formula on store shelves.

So what should you be feeding your toddlers? According to the report, they should eat “a varied diet with fortified foods to optimize nutritional intake.” Toddler formulas “should not replace a balanced diet and are inferior to standard infant formula in children less than 12 months of age and offer no benefit over much less expensive cow’s milk in most children older than age 12 months,” Dr. Fuchs noted in the press release. “Some children may have special nutritional needs, as well, and so as with any child, it is always best to check with your pediatrician.”

Before you go, check out these natural products that can help relieve your kid’s cold symptoms:

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