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Gillian Anderson Says ‘There Shouldn’t Be Shame’ Around This Highly-Debated Topic & We 100% Agree

Gillian Anderson was truly inspired by her character on the hit Netflix show Sex Education, because now, she’s working hard to break the taboos surrounding sex education. And we seriously can’t stop applauding this initiative!

While promoting drinks for G Spot’s charity partnership with Wellbeing of Women, Anderson talked to Hello about how she’s making women’s health a priority, first by breaking the barriers surrounding discussing sex education, for all ages.

“Women-centric issues have always been important to me, but since doing Sex Education, women’s health has been a topic that has been brought to me quite a lot,” she said. “There are so many taboos, oddly, even in 2023, that are still around discussion about women’s bodies, about sex, about menopause.”

The X-Files alum added, “A good percentage of youth out there aren’t really aren’t getting messaging that is helpful and useful for them in terms of what protection to use. There shouldn’t be shame around it or judgement, it’s always going to be icky. So why not be brave and have those conversations?”

Per a survey from Miracare in late 2023, they discovered that 90% of Americans feel unprepared by sex education. Specifically, over 1,500 Americans between the ages of 18-44 were surveyed, reporting how they felt uninformed. Along with that, over 30 percent detailed how they felt unprepared and uneducated when it came to their menstrual cycle, conception, postpartum, fertility, and perimenopause. And that’s just in America! Worldwide, many organizations, and celebs like Anderson, have been working to spread comprehensive sexuality education globally.

Anderson then ended the interview by saying, “I think women can be incredibly powerful. I want other women of all ages, who have looked up to the characters that I’ve played, to explore what it is about those characters that they actually want, and whether they can embrace some of those attributes that already exist in them. Hopefully then they can own them more.”

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