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Bladder weakness explained

Statistics show that bladder weakness is a common problem among Americans, especially women. It often goes undiagnosed and untreated. And women who experience little bladder leaks are afraid or embarrassed to admit to leaky bladder symptoms

Women have options when it comes to treating and coping with light bladder weakness, though. Poise ® absorbent pads and liners offer protection from embarrassing leaks, while Kegel exercises and nutrition can help control a leaky bladder. But before we can cure light bladder weakness, we need to open the dialogue and understand its causes.Bladder weakness, or the involuntary release of urine, is caused by weakened muscles on the pelvic floor, where the body stores urine before releasing it through the urethra. This muscle group undergoes a significant amount of stress on a daily basis, particularly among women. While light bladder weakness can be a sign of infection, more commonly it is explained by physical stress and hormonal changes brought on by strain, pregnancy, childbirth and aging. Stress incontinence, the most common type of bladder weakness, occurs during physical activity, when there is added pressure applied to the bladder. Coughing, sneezing, exercising, standing and laughing can all cause an involuntary loss of urine if the pelvic floor muscles are not strong enough to withstand the stress and prevent leakage. Many young female athletes experience light bladder weakness as a result of high-impact pressure exerted on the body through exercise and sports. The pressure can damage and weaken pelvic muscles and connective tissues. Pregnant women or women who have had multiple vaginal childbirths are at particularly high risk for bladder weakness, as the physical stress of an enlarged uterus applies pressure to the bladder and the pelvic floor muscles are weakened from hormonal changes and the stress of delivery. A loss of estrogen during menopause also contributes to rising rates of bladder weakness among older women. Nearly 40 percent of post-menopausal women experience some form of bladder weakness as estrogen levels plummet. In younger women, estrogen helps maintain muscle strength and keeps the urinary tract lining healthy. Nerve damage, decreased mobility, and diminished overall wellness that comes with age also contribute to loss of bladder control. Women should not accept bladder weakness as a normal part of growing older, though, since it is treatable, controllable, and sometimes even curable.  Sponsored by: Poise ®

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