Want to stay up-to-date on all the latest must-have books? Here are 10 books in audio format that are easy to squeeze in during your commute to work.
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The time you spend commuting to work may be a hassle, but that doesn’t mean it cannot be productive. Listening to audio books while you’re commuting can be an easy way to stay on top of the latest career, self-help and motivational content that can improve your life and your job.
Here’s a roundup of 10 audio books that will transform the time you spend stuck in traffic into valuable time each day.
The Fire Starter Sessions
Photo credit: The Fire Starter Sessions
Spark a better career and a better life with this intuitively written guide by Danielle LaPorte. She is a genius at crafting books that speak genuinely while educating us on how to set and achieve goals — and pretty much excel at anything. (Amazon, $24)
Quiet Influence
Photo credit: Quiet Influence
Are you the quiet girl in the office? That shouldn’t hold you back from your complete potential. Jennifer Kahnweiler shares how introverts can make a difference and excel on the job. (Amazon, $15)
The Power of Starting Something Stupid
Photo credit: The Power of Starting Something Stupid
Richie Norton will inspire you to go beyond your boundaries and create a career that engages and delights you. Even if you have some big dreams for your life that may seem silly, you’ll be inspired as you listen. (Amazon, $15)
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
Photo credit: Lean In
Sheryl Sandberg’s book has special advice for women in the work world — and inspires us to take control and speak up in our professional and personal lives. Are you approaching situations in your life with a “lean in” attitude? She’ll help you do that. (Amazon, $20)
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: And Two Other Short Guides to Achieving More at Work and at Home
Photo credit: What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
Laura Vanderkam sets out some examples of ways that successful people use mornings to excel in their lives. Looking for some practical advice to do more at home and in the office? This book offers some good insights into time management. (Amazon, $3)
The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
Photo credit: The Happiness Project
You might have heard of this book, but if you haven’t read it, you’re missing out on the good stuff. Gretchen Rubin is a busy mom who tackles an overhaul on her life. She sets out to overcome tasks and be able to relish moments with her family more, offering practical tips for how to do so as well as engaging dialogue about women who lead busy lives. (Don’t miss her website, which is full of inspiring blog posts and other resources.) (Amazon, $24)
Dare, Dream, Do: Remarkable Things Happen When You Dare to Dream
Photo credit: Dare, Dream, Do
Have a dream in your life? Harvard blogger Whitney Johnson says we can each achieve greater happiness when we focus on our dreams and others in our lives. She teaches women a three-step model for success and fulfillment. (Amazon, $18)
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Photo credit: Amazon
Who says a routine isn’t good? Charles Duhigg shares how to make habits stick — and work for you. Whether it’s creating a simplified daily schedule or accomplishing a goal, this will help you get things done. (Amazon, $21)
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent,
and Lead
Photo credit: Daring Greatly
Brené Brown is a gifted storyteller who will inspire you to embrace your own vulnerabilities and differences and propel them to improve all aspects of your life. She’s a delight to listen to, which is why she easily made this list. (Amazon, $18)
Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More, and Restore Your Passion for Life
Photo credit: Say Goodbye to Survival Mode
Crystal Paine explains how we can ease stress, get more sleep and enjoy life more. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? She doesn’t believe in living a stressed, overwhelming life — and shows us how we can break free from “survival mode” as well. (Amazon, $13)
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