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6 tips for a simpler life

Your calendar is constantly booked with work, school, kid and recreational obligations, rushing from one place to the next. With so much craziness, there’s rarely any time to enjoy the things you do or the places you’re going. Calm down your life and appreciate the important things. Here are a few suggestions on simplifying your life.

1.Back to basics

Take a look at your life and figure out what’s really important to you. Make a list of four or five things that you want to be doing, who you want to do them with, and what you want to accomplish. Focus on this list and don’t let outside forces distract you.

2. Space out your appointments

Scheduling appointments back to back is a huge reason why we get so stressed out. Instead of jam packing your schedule, leave plenty of room in between obligations so that you can decompress. Plan for time to get across town, and focus on each task at hand.

3. Stop rushing

We’re always in such a hurry that we forget to enjoy what we’re presently doing. Slow down, take your time and feel the moment. Don’t think about what you have to do next and pay attention to your current activity.

4. No more road rage

This is where spacing out your appointments will come in handy. If you aren’t constantly in a rush, you’ll be able to stress less on your daily commute. Instead of worrying about being late, take your time, listen to your favorite tunes and enjoy the ride. If you are running late, driving faster won’t save you that much time. You might make yourself even later by getting pulled over or causing an accident.

5. Schedule some alone time

Taking time out for yourself and tuning out the outside world is a key aspect to appreciating what’s really important to you. Take a hike, enjoy a cup of coffee at your kitchen table or just by do absolutely nothing. Sometimes we need to focus on ourselves and recharge our batteries before we can tackle our busy day.

6. Indulge in guilty pleasures

Whether it’s reading your favorite gossip rag, watching your favorite television program or indulging in a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone, savor your simple pleasures in life and enjoy it to its fullest.

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