Ladies, as a male, I have to be honest. There are clear, tell-tale signs that a guy is a jerk. In My Best Friend’s Girl, Dane Cook plays Tank, not only is he a bad boy, but he can also be a jerk.
What are the signs to watch? Straight from the male playbook:
His eyes
The eyes are the window to the soul. They are first on this inside scoop to spotting a jerk because eyes really are all-telling.
Do they wander? If so, he could be looking at other women, or at the least, he seems bored and not into you. There’s nothing wrong with people-watching while the two of you are out and about, but if you notice that over half the time, his eyes are elsewhere continually, that’s a neon sign.
Immediate deal breaker: If his eyes go to other women while you are in his company, that is inexcusable in any situation even if the Playboy Bunnies walked through the room.
Get that free dinner and run, this guy’s a jerk.
His hands
Are they tapping? Sitting comfortably at his side? Either one says a lot about a man.
A man who is tapping with his fingers (or his knees or feet for that matter) may not be someone who is not interested in you personally or physically. It could be that this guy is simply a jittery person.
But, one thing to take into account immediately is guys who can’t sit still are likely to wander. They have lower attention spans and quite likely, become bored easily.
Also to consider is what the man is doing with his hands. Are they gripping his Blackberry slowly pulling the device into view for an email or missed call?
Run, don’t walk from this jerk.
How he treats his mother
Most times, of course, in a dark club or wherever you have met the next Mr Wonderful, his mom will, thank goodness, be miles away.
But the sentiment is the same. It is a dead giveaway that a guy’s a jerk if he treats his girl friends, or the cocktail waitress, with less than the respect you’d expect. A cornerstone to any relationship, short or long term, is dignity coming from both sides.
If his intentions towards the fairer gender are less than the princess you are, women of the world, run, don’t walk from this jerk.
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