The other day I discovered something funny on my checking card’s statement. Two lines: One for a “successfulmatch” and another for “singleparentlove.” I paused for a moment and thought to myself, I’m no longer trying to find love, I have not been on an online dating site for a couple of years, and I am not a single parent. It wasn’t long until I came to the conclusion that someone had hacked into some computer mainframe and stolen my debit card number.
I should be angry at the nearly $100 charge on my account, but I wasn’t. At first I laughed — wow, someone really wanted to date! Then, I felt sad — someone wanted to find love so bad, they’re willing to steal. I have one plea for you all: Please don’t be that person; don’t be that desperate. Aside from stealing in the name of posting yourself on an online dating site, I made a list of other acts of dating desperation. Please —
Don’t be the girl who isn’t very selective
Just because you want to find love, doesn’t mean you should go out with just anyone. If you’re out at a club, for instance, and this semi-okay-looking guy asks you for your number, assess before you enter your digits into his cell. It’s easy to find dates, but consider quality over quantity.
Don’t be the girl with the micro-mini
There’s nothing more desperate than looking cheap and trampy. The micro-mini is no longer in style, so if you’re still sporting the trend, odds are you’re doing so to get attention — the wrong kind of attention might I add. Exposing a lot of leg will only attract shady guys who want arm candy and/or freaks in the sack. You’ll eventually end up right where you started: Alone.
Don’t be the girl who sleeps with guys for no reason at all
I’ll admit — I have some friends in this boat. They go on dates, end up sleeping with said dates, then when challenged why, their answer is “I don’t know.” Why give that much of yourself to a guy you have luke warm (or cold) feelings for? Some claim boredom, I claim lack of self-respect.
Don’t be the girl who recycles boyfriends
Need I say more? You and your ex broke up for a reason, right? So why keep going back? It’s one of the saddest tales in the book. While reasons may vary, there’s no question, recycling bad boyfriends is stupid, borderline crippling. Stick with that hopeless male and you’ll be missing out on great men in the process. Let the bad egg go and open yourself up for a new relationship.
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