50. Take him/her home to meet the family.
49. Propose.
48. Go on a picnic.
47. Explore your adventurous sides together — do something daring that neither of you have tried before, such as bungee jumping or skydiving. The experience will bring you closer.
46. Designate a place as “yours” — your favorite restaurant or bar — and vow to frequent it together often.
45. Volunteer together. Work side-by-side at your local animal shelter, nursing home or as you gather donations for your local food bank.
44. Take him/her to an art gallery or art walk.
43. Arrange to have a house cleaner come to his/her/your shared place and spruce things up! (Just make sure this is a thing they’d be into first, obviously.)
42. Introduce him/her to your best friends. Actions speak louder than words.
41. Walk him/her out when he/she leaves for work. In long-term relationships, it’s easy to get in the habit of forgetting a kiss goodbye. So start it again.
40. Make him/her a special bag lunch with a note written on a napkin inside.
39. Get a subscription to his/her favorite magazine.
38. If he/she has a business trip, offer to drive to the airport.
37. Leave a sweet note on a Post-it on his/her car windshield or steering wheel.
36. Flirt with him/her unabashedly.
35. If your sig-o has been working out extra hard or dieting, compliment their progress.
34. Rent some silly comedies and spend the night laughing together.
33. Take a shower together.
32. Offer to shave each other’s legs or faces. Sounds weird, but it’s known to be very intimate.
31. Offer him/her the last bite of the dessert you’re sharing.
30. Go stargazing. Bring a bottle of Champagne.
29. Try an activity that he/she loves that you don’t usually do together.
28. Get up early on the weekend and do some of the chores on your partner’s list.
27. Laugh at his/her jokes.
26. Compliment his/her new hairstyle, shoes, outfit, etc.
25. Frame a picture of the two of you during a special trip.
24. Ask his/her parent(s) or grandparent(s) for the recipe to his/her favorite dish growing up.
23. Take him/her to a sporting event for his/her favorite team — extra credit: Splurge on front-row seats.
22. Leave a note on your pillow when you’re not there.
21. Get his/her oil changed and brakes checked.
20. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride.
19. Buy him/her something quirky that shows how well you know him/her.
18. Buy your partner a new accessory or something else he/she wears often.
17. Iron his/her clothes and leave sweet, simple notes in the pockets.
16. Feed each other dinner. Or better yet, dessert.
15. Sneak a sexy note into the pocket of his/her pants.
14. Kiss when you leave in the morning and when you get home at night. Small gestures of love go a long way.
13. Brag about him/her to his/her friends.
12. Tell his/her family how smart you think he/she is during conversation. Reminding your partner you’re on their side is essential.
11. Go on a bike ride — extra credit for using a tandem bike.
10. Baby him/her when they are sick.
9. Leave lipstick kisses or shaving cream hearts on the bathroom mirror.
8. Go to the park together (even if you don’t have kids). Go down the slide, play on the teeter-totter and go on the swings.
7. Let him/her teach you a new skill.
6. Buy a little gift and surprise him/her at the end of a long week.
5. Go hiking together.
4. Take a trip to the beach.
3. Watch the sun set or rise together from your backyard or nearby park.
2. Share the morning paper and some mimosas over the weekend.
1. Grab your sig-o spontaneously and kiss like you mean it.
Image: Becci Burkhart/SheKnows
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