Turning 30 may not be easy, but now’s as good a time as ever to get your life completely in order. Grab 30 by the horns, look it square in the face and get the life you really want. Here’s how:
Stop being scared/Let go of fear
Now is the time to stop being so scared and actually live your life! Being fearful can only hinder you and stop you from doing all those things you’ve always wanted to do. Always wanted to go skydiving? Take the plunge! Want to buy your dream house? What are you waiting for?!? Embrace this next decade of your life and live it to the fullest; stop letting fear get in the way of your dreams. The more you let go of fear the easier it gets, and the happier you’ll be when you realize you’re actually living your life instead of being scared of it.
Take risks
Remember the thrill and fear of your first roller coaster ride? Make that your life! Be a risk taker when it comes to your career, finances, and even personal relationships. The greatest things in life are often the hardest moments to get through. Usually things that are the riskiest reap the greatest rewards.
Actually learn from your past
The old adage of history repeating itself is an adage for a reason. Reflect on life in your 20s and actually learn from it. See how you’ve grown and how not to make those same mistakes all over again. You’ll come to realize there is some truth to getting a bit older and wiser.
Set goals
This one might seem like a no-brainer, but setting some short- and long-term goals can really put things into perspective. Keep a journal handy of some short-term goals you’d like to accomplish in your 30s. As you check off each “to-do” you’ll feel more and more empowered. You’ll also find that realizing your dreams is all about taking the steps to get there. Do the same with a list of long-term goals and condense them into small, manageable steps and before you know it, you’ll be checking off life goals left and right.
Try new things
Take a cooking class. Learn a new language. Try rock climbing. Embrace your 30s by enriching your life with new things you’ve always wanted to try. Make it a monthly priority and stop using a lack of time as an excuse. The challenge and variety of trying something new will keep you happy and exhilarated.
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