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Advanced abs exercises

Stability Ball Knee Tuck

The Stability Ball Knee Tuck is a challenging exercise that targets the core. Comana says the instability requires good core control during movement, and that the trunk flexion to move the body requires a moderate amount of abdominal work.

Step 1: Lie on your stomach over the top of a stability ball with both hands and feet on the floor, hip- and shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Slowly walk yourself forward, lifting your legs off the floor and gently exhaling. Continue walking out until the fronts of your thighs are resting on top of the ball. Keep you torso rigid, aligned parallel with your legs.

Step 3: Retract and pull your shoulders back and down until your arms are fully extended, hands positioned directly under your shoulders. To help with stability, squeeze your legs together as though you were squeezing a quarter between your knees.

Step 4: Exhale and slowly pull your knees towards your chest, rolling the ball toward as you tuck your knees under your torso, moving your hips upward.

Step 5: Continue moving until your knees are directly under your hips and your shinbones lie over top of the ball. Hold this position briefly, then inhale and push your knees away from your torso, returning to your starting position.

Next up…Stability Ball Pikes

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