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Powerful plyometric fitness moves

Lateral Cone Jumps

Starting position: Place a series of cones 18 to 24 inches apart in a straight line on a non-slip surface. Stand 3 to 6 inches to your left of the first cone with your feet
hip-width apart or closer, arms by your sides.

Downward phase and jumping motion: Begin your downward phase by first shifting your hips backwards then slowly moving downwards to create a hinge-like movement at your knees.
Continue to lower yourself until you feel your heels about to lift off the floor. Try to maintain a flat back by bending forward at the hips. Keep your head facing forward or to the floor, and
position your arms where comfortable or where they offer the greatest degree of balance support. With only a very brief pause at the bottom of your downward phase, explode sideways and upwards over
the top of the first cone, pushing and extending your ankles, knees and hips simultaneously. As you jump into the air, try to keep your feet level with each other and parallel with the floor.

Landing: Attempt to land softly and quietly on the mid-foot, rolling backwards quickly towards the heels to create a level foot, parallel with the floor. Always push your hips
backwards and drop your hips to absorb the jumping forces. Avoid locking your knees or quads on your landing as this may lead to potential knee injuries. Land with your trunk inclined slightly
forward, head aligned with your spine and back rigid or flat. Keep your core muscles engaged, stiffening your torso to protect your spine

With only a very brief pause at the bottom of your landing phase, explode sideways (left) and upwards again over the second cone. Continue this process until you have cleared all of
the cones. Repeat to the right.

Up next: Bosu Squat Jumps

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