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101 Fundraising ideas

The fundraising ideas library at is your best source for real-life fundraising ideas from
other Breast Cancer 3-Day participants. Here are some additional ideas.


1.Never miss an opportunity: Now is not the time to be shy. Let everyone know that you aretraining to walk 60 miles. When they ask why, the conversation door has been opened. Take thisopportunity to tell them why you have chosen to take this challenge. Let them know your hopeand purpose is to eradicate breast cancer. Let them know what your fundraising goal is and thenask for a donation. This is a great opportunity to educate your community and fundraise at thesame time.

2. Forget-me-knots: Tie a pink ribbon on your potential donors’ fingers and ask them not to
remove it until they’ve made a donation. This is a great way to turn those, “yeah, I promise I’ll
donate” into action.

3. Corporate Matching: Take advantage of corporate matching gifts programs. Many of your
donors may work for companies that have a program like this — their donation could double
simply by filling out a form from their Human Resources department and following the steps to
submit a matching gift (go, Donate — Information for Donors — About
Matching Gifts for further information).

4. Advertise while you walk: Ask local companies to sponsor your efforts and in return you will
give them logo or name representation on a T-shirt you wear on the event.

5. Corporate Sponsor Shirt: Identify one corporate sponsor that you can ask for a large donation.
Offer to wear their shirt for advertising while training and on the event.

6. Waiters: Ask the waiter/waitress or bartender at your favorite hangout to donate a day’s tips. If
you have a friend who waits or bartends, ask them, too.

7. Spare Change: Ask your favorite restaurant or local pub to put out a jar for donations of spare
change. Decorate it with quotes, pictures, pink ribbons. Anything to get someone’s attention.We’ve even seen port-a-potty piggy banks. Put these out somewhere obvious — you’re sure toget some attention.

8. Donation for Days: Ask people to donate an amount per each day of your Breast Cancer 3-Day
commitment. Instead of a 25 dollar donation, encourage them to make three 20 dollar donations!Remember they can pay over the course of three months. Reminding your donors of the optionto donate over time is a great way to increase the size of donations (keep in mind that donationscan only be paid over the course of 4 months maximum).

9. Delegate: Give 10 friends 10 donation slips and ask them to get donations for you.

10. Birthday: In lieu of a gift for your birthday, ask your friends and family to make a donation to the

11. House-Warming: In lieu of a house-warming gift, ask your friends and family to make a
donation to the Breast Cancer 3-Day.

12. Wedding Gift: In lieu of a gift for your wedding, ask your friends and family to make a donation
to the Breast Cancer 3-Day.

13.Retirement Gift: In lieu of a retirement party gift, ask your office to support you in the Breast
Cancer 3-Day. What an incredible way to kick off your new life!

14. Ask your doctor(s), dentist and veterinarian for a donation.

15. Ask your chiropractor and therapist for a donation.

16.Ask your yoga instructor or personal trainer for a donation.

17. Ask your lawyer and insurance agent for a donation.

18. Ask your auto mechanic or dry cleaner for a donation, or for coupons that you can use at a
fundraising party or raffle.

19. Ask your neighbors: Write a note to all of the neighbors on your block or in your apartment
building to ask for donations. Include an update on your training and fundraising progress.

20. Ask your hair stylist: If not a donation in the form of a check, then perhaps in the form of
haircuts! See if he/she will host a hair-cut-a-thon, in the salon (or in your garage!) You can
probably raise more donations in two hours of haircutting than you can imagine — be sure to getthe word out!

21. Tribute Donations: Encourage your donors to make their donations in “honor of”, “support of”,
or “memory of” someone they know who has been affected by breast cancer. This is a great wayto let them feel very much a part of your experience. Suggest a donation amount for them to signa shirt or a placard that you will carry with you on the Breast Cancer 3-Day, or print their nameson a twist of pink ribbon that you will pin to your shirt.

22. “Sit” for Donations: Baby-sit, pet-sit, house-sit. Offer services to the neighbors to get them

23. National Holidays: Don’t forget about Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day weekend and all
of those picnics. Bring your donation forms and a donation jar — ask everyone in attendance.

24. Spinning Class: Hit up your spinning class instructor and classmates. Set a goal at the
beginning of the class, and if it’s met, everyone donates 1 dollar per mile — or 1 dollar per minute.

Next: Find ideas on how to get your community involved

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